Sunday 14 October 2012

This is my day fourteen post for the "31 days of blogging in October" challenge.  I am blogging 31 days of Children's Ministry.  To find links to all the other days (as they get posted) go to DAY 1.

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What an incredible day! On Friday I spent a day at the prayer spaces in schools training day. This post is just a first reaction to the day, I'll be back with more thoughts later in the month.

The biggest thing I shall come away from the day with is an understanding that we are part of a bigger picture, that God sees the whole of. When interacting with a child or young person in a prayer space, we can trust the Holy Spirit. Trust Him to take what we are able to say and use it in the way Father determines. Trust Him that if we make the space and the time, with these activities, we can step back and allow the children to discover prayer, and therefore God, for themselves, we don't have to SHOW them, they will find Him for themselves. Trust Him that there is a bigger picture that we might never see.  We do not need to "take Jesus into the schools", He is ALREADY THERE, we're just facilitating that discovery.

Also we might not have all the answers, and that's ok.

So, come back later in the month for more details of the training day.

You can check out the sites I link up to over in my sidebar. Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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