Sunday 22 September 2013

A week or so ago I discovered that the number of journals I have is rather surprising to some people.  However I also discovered that there are others in the Made eCourse who have even more on the go than I do, so I'm not worried! :-)

How many?  Well, take a look.  Video first and then a few stills and an explanation.

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First the journal I picked up from Asda, with a cover of recycled leather and really nice paper inside.  They were in the reduced section and I haven't seen them again since.

Recycled leather journal

I started this on the same day we began a new season as a church and am mainly following a set of journaling prompts from an Australian company that makes journals.

So, some days it is straight journaling, some days it is stream of consciousness writing, some days it is finding pictures and gluing them in and some days it is drawings, and sometimes it is a mixture of some of all of them.

Journal tips

Draw your favourite animal

Dream Home

My Favourite things

What if I could . . . .

Next there is my writing exercises journal. You can see the sections it has below. In here I work on creative writing and most of Jochebed's story was written in here.

Writing Exercise journal

The word bank is just a list of words for prompting writing when you can't think of what to write. I'll be honest, I don't use it very often, but it's there when I need it and I keep adding to it, as you can tell from all the different pens I have used.

Word List

Word list

Next there is my regular written journal with the pockets that I have adapted to be able to move them between journals. This is where I work through all the stuff of life when I just need to write it out to process it and think clearly. Consequently I am only showing you one small entry, because most of it is intensely personal.

Regular written journal

Regular written journal

Next is the smallest of my journals, a little hand bound, coptic stitch journal made from squared paper that I use for lettering practise. Some days the practise goes really smoothly and other days, not so well.

Lettering practise book

Sometimes lettering practise goes well

Lettering practise doesn't always go well

Here is the spiral bound art journal a friend made for me that is filled with watercolour paper. I use it for all sorts of things, from drawings, to testing things out, to full blown pages, to using up leftovers from other projects. Some pages are finished and some are not.


Testing out stencils

Using up leftovers4

Trying things out

Unfinished pages

Trying things out

Then there is my big art journal. I really like working at this larger size but hate the binding on this journal. Need to find a stitch bound larger journal soon as I have nearly come to the end of this one. Or maybe I will make myself one!

Big Journal

You will have seen pages from this in my recent posts, such as below. Click on the picture to go to the post about that page.

Only Be Still Before Me


Finally there is the journal I made recently for Visual Bible Notes. You can find that here.


That's it for journals I am currently working in. Journaling is not the only creative thing I do. You can check out some of the other stuff by following the links below.

You can check out the sites I link up to over in my sidebar. Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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