Sunday 20 June 2010

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

177. There is still so much to be thankful for, even though I have missed a few weeks of typing them up here.

178. School assembly this morning, at my local school, looking forward to that and to speaking truth to those children.

179. The fun I had messing around with the children after church on Sunday and showing them how to make balloons stick to the wall (and get this, the ceiling!) using static.

180. Awesome almost fat free apple cobbler that I made for the first time yesterday. We WILL be having that again!

181. Ladies tea party at church was so much fun. Looking forward to the next one.

182. 3 books for £1 in the charity shop yesterday, 2 for my 15 year old (Sherlock Holmes and the Hobbit) and one for me (Chocolat).

183. Our new family doctor seems nice. I haven't been down there for so long I had no idea that our old one had left!

184. Lemon Meringue fudge.

185. Fun and laughter at the BBQ for the England games. Well, the ladies who sat inside had fun, unlike those who were watching the game on the big screen in the garden!

186. HOPE for a brighter future for friends I am praying for at the moment.

187. Pampered Chef goodies have arrived and an order placed for other kitchen goodies from somewhere else.

188. 15 year old spotted a copy of the Princess Bride in the supermarket on Saturday. I have wanted a copy of that since I got back from America and now I own one!

189. Wonderful weather.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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