Thursday 28 January 2010

13 pools I'd like to swim in one day
  1. OK so I don't do the whole Casino thing, but the pool at the golden Nugget in Las Vegas is AMAZING! A HUGE shark and marine life tank sits along one side of the pool and their new waterslide takes you in a tube right through the tank! AWESOME!

  2. The Blue Lagoon Natural hot Spa in Iceland.

  3. The incredibly HUGE pool at San Alfonso del Mar in Chile. It holds the current Guinness record as the world’s largest crystalline water pool, with an extension of more than one kilometre in length, eight hectares and 250 million litres of water. Hard to imagine? We are talking about nothing less than the equivalent to 6,000 familiar 8-meters-long pools.
  4. Any of the pools at the Atlantis in the Bahamas.

  5. which includes another water slide through a shark tank

  6. as well as smaller, private pools

  7. I'm not sure how I feel about infinity pools, I reckon they freak me out a little bit, but some of them are just amazing, because of the views and I reckon that given the opportunity I would have to just get over any fears and go for it.
  8. The pool at the Hilton in Auckland even has a window on the end.
  9. And WOW, what about the pool at the Quincy in Singapore. YES, that is the pool!
  10. Then there's the Al-Bustan Palace in Muscat

  11. If I ever get into scuba diving I reckon I would just HAVE to try out this pool at the Nemo diving centre in Brussels.

  12. A bit closer to home is the Sanctuary Spa in London with their famous swing over the pool.
  13. And for 13, well, I couldn't find another dream pool, so why don't you suggest one. What's your favourite pool?

If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Thursday 13 by clicking on that banner at the top of this post!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

There is a main road that runs more or less right through the centre of our town. It keeps all the through traffic away from the houses, businesses, etc.
The A442, or Queensway, or Eastern Primary or EP, depending on who you're talking to.

Thousands of cars, vans and other vehicles drive up and down there every day. I drive up or down there a number of times a week, at least for part of it's length. One , long road that gets you from A to B really quickly, keeps you away from junctions, traffic light or anything else that might slow you down. And we all get so focussed on our destinations we are oblivious to what is around us.
From that photo above you might think that well, there isn't that much to look at, so why would you want to be looking at the things you are passing. But there is, oh please believe me that there is.

Quite a few sections of this road run between hills that still have trees and nature as it always was.
And just lately we have been seeing a bird of prey sitting on the top of one of those T shaped lampposts you can see in the photo. I have no idea what type of bird of prey it is as I can't get a photo because this is not a road you can stop on easily or safely, but I know that he is there, and I spot him MOST times I travel up that stretch of the road.

One day we were really blessed to see 3 of them in a short stretch of the road and one of them actually swooping across the road to land on the lamppost. Another day I spotted him sat on the same lamppost as a magpie, unusual because the other birds won't usually go anywhere near them. This magpie was sat at one end of the arms of the lamppost and the bird of prey was sat about half way along the other arm. Normally I see him sat square on the lamppost facing along the road one way or the other. But this day he was sat at an angle, almost as if he was eyeing up the magpie and wondering if he would make a nice lunch. It made me smile.

There are so many people using this road every single day and the vast majority of them don't even know these birds of prey are there. They've never "seen" them. And that makes me so sad. We have become so focussed on our destinations, so focussed on getting to where we want to be that we have forgotten to look around ourselves and enjoy the journey.

Bewildered Deliverer,
What is this "emptiness" you are feeling? I will tell you. You are in transition. In the midst of change there is no choice but to move. In the process of movement, settling in is out of the question. So, of course you feel rootless! A tree being transplanted cannot be rooted until it is planted again in good soil.

Ponder this truth and remember it - there is no way to enjoy the comforts of home and move at the same time. And it is impossible to harvest fruit from a vineyard yet to be.

I know it has seemed like a long journey, but it will be shorter if you keep this in mind: you aren't supposed to feel satisfied where you are. This isn't home. This is travel.

Meantime, why not enjoy the scenery? You will never pass this way again and one day you will cherish the memories of thsi trip, if you will take note of them now. otherwise, you might arrive at point "B" with no stories to tell!


from "From the Father's Heart" by Charles Slagle, published by Destiny's Image.

Monday 25 January 2010

What did I learn this week?

This week I re-learned just how much I enjoy swimming, and just how much exercise it is too.
One of the local gyms was offering a Christmas special that I had treated myself to. A 12 day membership for £12, to be used before the end of January. With the snow we had and everything , I left it until this week to sort it out.
I knew with a 12 day membership there wasn't much point in getting used to all the machines etc and then walking away, so I decided I would just swim.

It has been a long time since I have been properly swimming, and even then it was "messing about in a pool" type swimming, not doing it properly, up and down the pool.

The first day was HARD! Good grief, I had forgotten how much effort it takes to move this body through the water. But I kept going. By the time I got a few days in I was into a routine. It's a 20metre pool that is the same depth throughout, I swim for two lengths then walk for one. That one of walking allows me to get my breath back a little, and means I am still moving rather than just standing at one end of the pool.

Oh and I also learned something new! Do NOT go to the pool at the gym at the time the aquafit class is finishing, assuming that all those people will be getting out of the pool and it will be fairly quiet. Oh indeed do not do that! They all stand there in the pool, in big groups, talking! arrggghhh, that means those people who want to swim are squeezed into much less space or have to keep going around them! And believe me they were still there after half an hour! So today, rather than going straight to the pool after a morning appointment, I will be coming home and going later, because I do not want to deal with that again.

My 12 days finishes on Thursday and my intention is to make a Thursday 13 post with all my DREAM pools that I would love to swim in one day. Please pop back for that.

If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.

Sunday 24 January 2010

holy experience

11. The opportunity to go swimming every day this last week. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it.

12. An opportunity last Sunday to speak of God's goodness and give public testimony.

13. A birthday gift that was just perfect and fitted in not only with a need that I had but with something I had already intended to write last week.

14. Clean dishes that someone else washed.

15. That our youngest managed to get back to sleep on our bedroom floor when our neighbours middle of the night arguing woke him up.

16. A new school contacting me to ask me to come and do an assembly talk.

17. A part time job vacancy that has come up at my son's school. I will be applying and may or may not get it, but that's OK, I am cool with whatever happens.

18. Fantastic meal with friends with whom there is no pretence, no need to feel like you have to "perform" or wear a mask, with whom you can be completely yourself.

19. Safe journeys.

20. A CPAP machine that helps me sleep, keeps me alive and gives me back so much of what had been stolen from me in terms of energy by sleep apnoea.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.
FOR TODAY, Monday ...

Outside my window... It's cloudy but dry. the world is waking up and going about their days.

I am thinking... about what I will do for exercise after my 12 day gym membership is up and I won't be able to use the pool any more.
I am thankful for...

  • a fantastic birthday week
  • a great day on my birthday, good food and fantastic friends to share it with
  • new bed linen
  • family
  • church fellowship
  • online friends
  • food in the freezer

From the learning rooms... hmmmmm, not sure I can think of anything this week.

From the kitchen... It's a busy week ahead of us so meals will be fairly basic and easy. I do want to make a batch of chicken soup in the middle of the week.

I am wearing... brown trousers and an orange and brown top. With my walking boots on my feet, since my favourite trainers got ripped last week.

I am creating... well, I hope to be creating some more blog posts and possibly some scrapbook pages as well as some crochet flowers.

I am going... to the gym every day until Thursday to use the pool. I treated myself to a 12 day membership offer and Thursday will be my last day. I've really been enjoying swimming again, and wish I could afford a gym membership to allow me to continue to do so.

I am remembering.... some of the things that were said while we were at friends on Saturday. Some of them to be taken with a pinch of salt and just laid aside and some to treasure and think and wonder upon.
There is something quite surreal about someone praying for you and speaking into your life while at the same time the girls of the house are doing French Plaits in your hair.

I am reading... (Or SHOULD be reading, but haven't gone near it all week) Fresh Brewed Life.

I am hoping... that when the gym membership ends on Thursday I "fall into" whatever exercise I choose to replace it easily and without stress.

I am praying.... for friends who have lost family members this week, that God would comfort them and that time off would be available for people to travel to the funerals.

I am hearing... the sound of my boys getting ready for their days. Well, the eldest is probably still in bed as he doesn't have to go in today, so the noise is probably just the youngest. And the traffic outside as people travel to work and school.
Around the house... I am really getting into the swing of a routine around here with the chores. Have the weekly things more or less set up now and am working on a room per week to get the deeper stuff and decluttering done. I don't have to do it all on the first go, because every room will come around again, so there is no need to stress and try and do everything.
    One of my favourite things... is my new pink carry on suitcase for my trip to America. One of the friends I am visiting has said that it is too cute and will not be allowed to make the return journey with me. That's cool. As long as it's new home replaces it, GRIN!

    A few plans for the rest of the week... Swim, swim, swim, swim, 1 school assembly on Tuesday, small group post Christmas meal on Tuesday evening, Visiting speaker at church next Sunday.

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

    Friday 22 January 2010

    Years ago, our dear friend Natalie started Friday Felicities. I say “our” because she was a friend to so many women online.
    Natalie passed away on June 7, 2007 after a sudden illness. Becky took over hosting Friday Felicities and while she may not manage to post every week, those of us who participate now still consider her the host.
    What are felicities you ask? Why they are things that make you happy! So, this is not a hard meme at all! Becky gives permission to use the graphic in this post but please load it to your own site. List your happies and please go over to Becky's to sign the Mr. Linky if she posts and link up with other Friday Felicities participants.
    So, my Friday Felicities for Friday 22nd January are:
    • A gorgeous new journal from my sister for my birthday.
    • A new phone
    • I worked out all by myself how to set up email on that phone and sent one successfully!
    • buying bits and pieces for my trip to America!
    • Finding some cute little gifts to take with me to America. I think they are perfect.
    • A 12 day gym membership and being able to go swimming every day for a while.
    • Shampoo and Conditioner in one, it saves me time after swimming.
    • new chore schedule is working well and things are looking so much better around here.
    • Going to see some friends tomorrow for my birthday!
    • Oooh my new phone can do ebooks, but only in the most basic formats, but still! Must go find some free ones online!

    Wednesday 20 January 2010

    13 shows I want to record on my V+ box.
    V+ is a lot like Tivo, it's the particular way that our cable provider offers that.
    1. The Alpha Marriage Course on God TV Europe. Nicky and Sila Lee help you develop, reinforce and repair your marriage through the teaching of God.
    2. The Prayer Room on God TV Europe, LIVE (well, it would be live if I watched it when it was on, heehee, but if I'm putting it on V+ and watching it later it won't be)
    3. Good Chef, Bad Chef on the Good Food channel. Cookery show in which two very different chefs offer two different approaches to food. Nutritionist Janella Purcell advocates low fat, organic ingredients rich in vitamins, while Gary Mehigan loves indulgent, full flavoured dishes.
    4. Who do You Think You Are? on Blighty. Series in which celebrities trace their ancestry.
    5. Rhodes Across Italy on the Good Food Channel. Having previously tested out the cuisines of India, the Caribbean and China, Gary Rhodes is staying a bit closer to home in the his new series.
    6. Wild Thing I Love You on Blighty. Wildlife series in which Bill Bailey and a team of experts try to rescue some of the UK's most vulnerable animals.
    7. Ace of Cakes on The Good Food Channel. Reality series following the dedicated staff at a speciality cake shop in Baltimore.
    8. NCIS - well, obviously!
    9. Grays Anatomy - Equally obvious!
    10. How to Look Good Naked. - Yes i get what some of my American friends say about "I don't need a gay man to tell me I look good", but the guy in charge of the show in the UK is a bit different. He KNOWS what it's like to be fat, to be huge even, because he's been there!

    11. My Greek Kitchen on Discovery Real Time. Tonia Buxton draws upon her Greek heritage to explore the country's food and culture.
    12. Three Hungry Boys on Channel 4. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall challenges three marine biologists to live off the land for a month. Trevor, Thom and Tim set off for the West coast of Scotland, with nothing more than a camper van filled with fuel and basic rations.
    13. Creative Card Making on QVC - YES, I know it's a shopping channel but you actually learn lots of hints and tips by watching it.

    If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Thursday 13 by clicking on that banner at the top of this post!
    I tried to find a definition of the verb "to journal" to share with you, but apparently it is not yet a real word. It is not correct to use journal as a verb.

    The closest I came was this:
    1. The activity of keeping a diary, also known as journal.

    Well yes, at it's most basic form I suppose that is what journaling is about, but that definition misses out so much of what journaling is about, so much of the potential that can be tapped through journaling.

    What brought on this search for a definition?

    Well, over the last week or so I have come across a number of different "creative" methods to use in a journal. All of them are very interesting.

    I have a friend who cuts pictures and words out and sticks them in, sometimes with the addition of extra colour on the page and so on.
    I came across people who do that but completely fill their pages, rather than just one or two items.
    I read the blogs of a lot of people who use their cameras as part of their journaling and others who doodle their journaling. I came across people who use a lot of colour in their journaling and others who even kind of doodle their sermon notes on a Sunday morning. Some people I came across put all that creativity into an online journal only, rather than having a paper one at all. I even did a bit of "praying in colour" which is a fascinating process. Lots and lots of creative ideas, lots and lots of inspiration to maybe do things a little differently.

    And maybe I will try them, but I doubt I will do any more than try them once in a while. I doubt they will ever be more than a sprinkling through my journals.


    I realised this week, as I was looking at these other methods, these other ideas, that to me WRITING is important, that scratching of pen across paper, the flow of the ink from the nib, the marks left behind that are there for as long as the paper lasts, recorded forever, or almost. The process, is AS IMPORTANT AS THE RESULT. I love to write in my journal because it helps me think , it helps me work out what I think, I pray in my journal, I cry in my journal, I experience joy and sadness, delight and desperation in my journal. And I do all that in plain, ordinary ink, on plain, ordinary paper, no glue, no doodles, no pictures, just pen on paper, the way hundreds of generations of people have done before me.

    YES, I COULD try those other methods and once in a while I probably will, but plain, writing on a page is more than just what "works" for me, it is part of what makes me who I am.

    I write, it's WHO I AM!

    Oh and BTW sis, if you're reading this. I planned on writing this blog post before the lovely journal you sent me for my birthday arrived in the post today! THANKS! I shall use it as a separate journal specifically for my trip to America.

    Tuesday 19 January 2010

    What did I learn this week?

    This week I learned just how well my CPAP machine has been working for me.
    I have sleep apnoea. I have had it for years but finally got diagnosed in November 2008 and got my CPAP machine in January 2009, so I've had it almost a year now.

    This week I went for my regular clinic appointment. Don't even see the doctor, just the department sister. She was really impressed.
    Especially with my AHI and other numbers.
    Basically with sleep apnoea you have two types of events. The first is where you actually stop breathing completely and wake up, the second is where you ALMOST stop breathing.
    Those two numbers together make up your AHI.
    When I did my sleep study to get my diagnosis, I had ridiculously high AHI of 126 per hour!

    So, when I went this week, she went through the menus on the screen and it tells them all the details of how many hours a night I have averaged over the last 6 months and how my AHI is WITH the machine.

    Well . . . . .

    WITH the machine I am down to an AHI of 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And even better still, the number for the times I properly stop breathing is 0.3 and that means I only do that on average once every 3 hours!
    WOOHOOOO, it's no wonder I feel so much better since I got this machine.

    If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.

    Monday 18 January 2010

    holy experience

    Did you ever sing that hymn "Count Your Blessings."
    Count Your Blessings, name them one by one. . . .

    Well, that is what I have started to do since the beginning of the year. My intention has been to each night before heading for bed make a list of 5 things I am thankful to God for, that day. And I feel like now is the time to start joining in on a holy experience and blog some of those things.

    1. that all this STUFF we have been sorting through and giving away is a physical, tangible evidence of just how much God has blessed us in the past. We actually have this stuff to give.

    2. the safe arrivals of a friend's baby on new years day and finally getting to see that baby this week at church.

    3. safety in this icy, slippy weather.

    4. a walk in the beauty of a snowy nature reserve.

    5. Beautiful new pictures on my walls.

    6. Soup, lots and lots of soup.

    7. Central heating, sweaters and hot drinks.

    8. A reminder to put god at the centre of an upcoming trip.

    9. Wonderful bargains.

    10. Fresh Start Mondays.

    If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.

    Sunday 17 January 2010

    FOR TODAY, Monday 18th January 2010

    Outside my window... there is plenty of frost on the ground, and a chill in the air. I hope hubby was OK getting up to the car this morning and that youngest was OK on his way to school. By the time I have to head out it MIGHT have warmed up a little bit, don't want to slip on the ice.

    I am thinking... about my job and how to get more schools in our area to take the assemblies (talks) that I offer.

    I am thankful for... good friends and fun interactions over the last week.

    From the learning rooms... hmmmmmmm, I was going to say I'm not learning anything new, but I just remembered I WILL BE. I signed up last night for one of Shimelle's classes and hopefully that will get put through today so that I can start going through it.

    From the kitchen... Yesterday we had a Lamb Rhogan Josh made with a Jamie Olive Spice Mix. Yummy, thank you hubby for putting that together.

    I am wearing... Black trousers and a burgundy jersey top with false shirt collar and cuffs. It's my school assembly "outfit".

    I am creating... Well, once Shimelle's class gets put through today I will probably be doing some scrapbooking at some point this week. I also have a scarf on my knitting loom at the moment and want to get some crochet flowers made up this week too.

    I am going... to go to the gym today, hopefully. I treated myself to a 12 day pass for just £12 for Christmas. It has to be used by the end of the month, so i need to get up there today and start it. I will probably only go for a swim each day and use the spa pool and sauna maybe. But it will be so nice to be able to go for a swim.

    I am remembering.... that I cannot do everything nor do I need to. Simplify and focus on what really matters.

    I am reading... Fresh Brewed Life. Enjoying it and trying to not rush through it but take my time and let things sink in.

    I am hoping... that I can find the back door of a particular charity shop this week. I have at least 10 bags of stuff to take to them and do not want to walk from the car park with all that. You can drive up to their back door and ring the bell, but that means finding it and that isn't easy apparently.

    I am praying....

    • To know God more
    • To know my husband
    • To know what god wants me to do in terms of my job and to see success in that.

    I am hearing... the noises of youngest getting ready for his day. Eldest does not need to be up yet, he doesn't have lessons on a Monday at the moment. He does have a meeting later today but not until this afternoon.
    Around the house... Things are looking a lot better lately. I have started working harder on the chores and so far seem to be able to stick with it. Still don't have the energy to do everything I would want to do, but we're getting there, we're really getting there.
      One of my favourite things... is to think about my upcoming trip to America and the friends i will get to see, as well as the ones who can't make it this time. Guess I'll have to go back again in the future then.

      A few plans for the rest of the week...

      • Church small group at our house
      • Grocery delivery
      • Date night
      • Open evening at local 6th form college for eldest to help at and youngest to attend.
      • Going to friends for dinner on my birthday on Saturday IF the weather co-operates. They are in the middle of nowhere in Wales and it could be interesting if the forecast snow has appeared by then.

      Here is picture thought I am sharing...

      SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

      Friday 15 January 2010

      Years ago, our dear friend Natalie started Friday Felicities. I say “our” because she was a friend to so many women online.
      Natalie passed away on June 7, 2007 after a sudden illness. Becky took over hosting Friday Felicities and while she may not manage to post every week, those of us who participate now still consider her the host.
      What are felicities you ask? Why they are things that make you happy! So, this is not a hard meme at all! Becky gives permission to use the graphic in this post but please load it to your own site. List your happies and please go over to Becky's to sign the Mr. Linky if she posts and link up with other Friday Felicities participants.
      So, my Friday Felicities for Friday 15th January are:
      • Fun emails and facebook back and forth with good friends this week.
      • Getting my suitcase out ready for an upcoming trip
      • my upcoming trip
      • seeing a good friend be loved on by people who missed her dearly,.
      • Walks in the snow
      • Positive results at my CPAP clinic appointment.
      • Chicken soup simmering on the stove RIGHT NOW
      • My journal and my pen.
      • The Future!
      I've been trying to persuade myself that I NEED a new phone. Mine still works, is only 2 years old, but I NEED something better, with more facilities, that is easier to use for emailing, etc. Last week I started doing a weekly time of focussing and planning that I wrote about here. Some of the things involved in that process do need me to have access to the internet, such as checking my google calendar with my other written calendars, possibly coming up with some of the recipes for our menu that week and so on.
      With a newer, better phone I could do that, so I was trying to convince myself I needed it. But the truth is, I am only 1 week into doing this, and although I want to be able to do it out of the house rather than at home I haven't even tried that yet so have no idea if that is going to suit me at all, let alone whether I need the new phone or not.

      Last week my husband did something financially which in itself was NOT a big deal but it reminded me of some things that had happened in the past and I was NOT IMPRESSED!

      But yesterday I came to a realisation. HOW is me trying to convince myself I need this phone any less wrong than what he did. OK, maybe I included him in the process whereas he had not included me, BUT I am well aware that he is feeling a little guilty over what he did last week and therefore more likely to say yes, and that he has a hard time saying no to me anyway, even when he should.
      If I KNOW that truly I do not NEED this phone, or even if I am just not certain yet, what gives me the right to stretch an already tight budget even further?

      Whatever he is guilty of having done, it does not make it OK for me to do this. I do NOT need this phone and I choose that for this period of time at least I will NOT be buying it. THE END! No more looking at the website, ogling it, no more "look at what a good deal that company has on their web browsing from your phone", none of it, this is OVER.

      Do I feel good about that decision? I don't know.
      Do I feel slightly holier than my husband because I did the right thing AGAIN? Probably yes, if I am honest and that fact alone should make me sick to my stomach, should make me want to wretch and run a mile from it.

      So why don't I? What is it about the sin of self righteousness that makes us think it is any more acceptable than any other sin.

      Father God, I am sorry. You did not send your son to die for me so that i could stain his name by thinking this way, by elevating myself above someone else.

      WOW. What an awesome, amazing God. He still loves us even when we have treated him so vilely, when we, who claim his name, have walked in judgement and condemnation of others. And yet HE LOVES US.

      But that's the whole point isn't it, that's where the whole story started. A people, whom God loved, who were not capable of being good enough, who in their own strength could never be worthy. So, God fixed it. He gave up his only son, so that we, a people he already knew would fail over and over again, could have a relationship with him. Because, whatever we have done, God's love is bigger, and we turn to him, express our regret and pain at having hurt him, ourselves and others and we resolve to be different & then something magical happens.

      By ourselves that resolve achieves nothing. In fact I read a very wise woman last week who wrote that

      trying harder only results in harder trials.
      Self-striving nurtures self-hatred.

      God himself, makes us different. He loves us, he accepts us, He makes us new, He makes us able to be different. He, by His love, does that.


      Tuesday 12 January 2010

      What did I learn this week?
      This week I learned that the FIRST time you do something it will inevitably take longer than the remaining times you do it.
      I decided last week that i need a set aside weekly time for spiritual renewal and practical planning. I pulled together ideas from a number of different places on the web and came up with the following plan:

      Do daily bible reading and journaling.
      Read through all the last week's journal entries.
      Add any notes to those
      Index those entries (I have a number of subtitles in the back pages and just note the page number where something that fits under one of those appears.)

      Check diary I carry in my bag with the calendar on the wall, with google calendar. Make sure I know everything that should be happening this week, where I need to be and so on and that it is recorded in all 3 places.

      Menu Plan
      Shopping List

      Plan some blog posts. Not pre writing, just thinking what I want to write about or what memes I want to take part in, and maybe at least WHAT I want to cover in those memes.

      Small group prayer and planning

      Children's work prayer and planning

      Week's to do list

      Any remaining time should be used for catching up on any journalling points that I missed in the week, and being REAL with my journal.

      My ideal would be to find a coffee shop somewhere. Why do we HAVE TO call them coffee shops, eugh, I want to find a HOT CHOCOLATE SHOP, heehee. Anyway, back to what I was saying, I want to find somewhere I can spend a good few hours on a Saturday morning, go there early, with journal, bible, a few recipe magazines (I usually try to do a week's menu from 2 or 3 recipe magazines/cookbooks), notepad and pens.
      Finding somewhere like that around here might prove difficult, so for now I am doing it at home.

      GREAT PLAN! So, on Saturday morning, hubby went out around 8am for mens breakfast at church and i set to work. It took me nearly ALL DAY! OK, so we went out to the supermarket in the midst of that, but that must have taken an hour to an hour and a half at the very most. I did not finish this stuff up until sometime around 4pm or a little later. Good grief!

      One of the women who I pulled some of these ideas from, goes to a coffee shop at 5:30am, and stays out for 5 hours. hmmm, I have sleep apnoea, I use a CPAP machine, I don't DO 5:30am. I am thinking about when I get around to replacing my mobile phone, about getting one that has easier web access and email, and probably a better plan for those things, too, so that I can do some of the online bits of that plan out at the coffee shop or cafe.

      Although, d'you think they might start to lok at you a bit funny after you've sat there for 5 hours?

      If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.

      Monday 11 January 2010

      I promised a blog post on Spark people, to someone who read my blog late last week. sorry I didn't get it done at the weekend but here it is anyway.

      I LOVE Spark people, but I accept it is not for everyone.

      if you are already used to being around a computer, being part of online communities and so on, you should at least give it a go.

      Spark People at it's most basic is a site that allows you to log all your food and your exercise. Many many food items are in the system, already logged and the nutritional values there for you, but if they're not in the official list, you can check items that have been entered and shared by other users. And, of course, you can enter and share things yourself as well.

      You can track a huge range of nutritional details, not just the usual calories, fat and fibre. For instance, I also track calcium, sodium and potassium. You get to choose what you track and the system will calculate it all for you, so if you have particular dietery needs it is an excellent tool.

      The system will suggest your calorie level based on how much you want to lose how fast AND your predicted activity level, but you can adjust that yourself as well.

      The fitness tracking has the largest range of activities to choose from I have seen on any similar website.

      All of this is FREE.

      ALSO there are message boards, that allow you to get advice from other members, share situations and so on.
      OR you could join teams, which offer similar things to the message boards but within a specific group of people. There are all sorts of teams.
      Teams based on
      • amount you need to lose
      • occassion you are losing for
      • age
      • location
      • faith
      • hobbies
      • career
      All sorts of them, and lots and lots of them, you are sure to find something that fits your needs.

      AND you can Blog within Spark people too. You have a "spark page" that you can set up how you want it, and there are emails and things to sign up for too.

      ALL of this is FREE

      Attached to Spark People there are other websites. There is a diet site for teens and a healthy living site for pregnant moms AND a recipe site where you can either find recipes or enter the ones you are using and get the nutritional values for them.


      And no, I am not getting paid to write this post.

      I started with Spark people may last year. Since then I lost 34 pounds. Life got away from me a bit sometime around September and I finally got myself back into gear again at the beginning of this year. So, yes, I have put some weight back on, and no, I have no intention of giving up. I am currently at 26 pounds down from where I started, and that's OK. I will learn from this period of time and never allow myself to get that busy for that long again.

      How much more do I want to lose?
      It's not abotu a number, it's about being healthy and feeling so much better than I do now (I have a number of weight related health issues). According to the doctors I probably have another 90 or so pounds to go. I seriously doubt I will go that far, I don't think I need to. But yes, I do still have a long way to go and I have every intention of getting there.

      If you are going to sign up at Spark People, please use my Spark name in the "where did you hear about us" bit. WahZoe. If you click on the link below to sign up it will fill that in automatically for you.

      Join me at:

      Sunday 10 January 2010

      FOR TODAY, Monday 11th January 2010 ...

      Outside my window... There is still snow on the ground, and since yesterday was a little warmer and last night a little colder, some of that melted and refroze as ice. Looks a bit slippy out there.

      I am thinking... about the lovely walk I took with hubby yesterday in a snowy local nature trail area. We had the whole place to ourselves, it was fantastic.

      I am thankful for...

      • The fantastic news that a friend's father does not have what the doctors thought he had and although still serious, his condition is not expected to be fatal.
      • Safe journey to and from wherever they have been going for all my family in the snow this last week
      • Central heating, warm jumpers (sweaters), and hot drinks.

      From the learning rooms... I spent a good stretch of time on Saturday learning what works for us and what doesn't when it comes to organising and planning.

      From the kitchen... today I will be trying a new recipe to us. From one of the recipe magazines it is a baked risotto with chorizo, cherry tomatoes and courgettes (zucchini).

      I am wearing... black trousers, a beaded t-shirt and a big fluffy jumper (sweater).

      I am creating... Well, after finally finishing the Christmas journal I haven't done a lot of creating this week. I do want to get back to that and am thinking about some easy to make gifts.

      I am going... to the hospital on Wednesday. Nothing wrong, just regular clinic appointment for my Sleep Apnoea and CPAP machine check.

      I am remembering.... How wonderfully my husband blessed me over the weekend by cooking dinner.

      I am reading... Fresh Brewed Life.

      I am hoping... that the roads (particularly the side roads) are better on Tuesday for visiting a friend in the afternoon and going to a meal with our small group in the evening as well as going to the hospital on Wednesday.

      I am praying....
      • To Know God MORE
      • To know my husband
      • To know what God wants me to do and to see success in that.

      I am hearing... Someone making something in the kitchen.
      Around the house... I am being much more organised these days. I can't remember the last time things looked this nice, and believe me it's still not up to the standard a lot of people would want.
        One of my favourite things... our walk yesterday was listening to the stream that was flowing into the river Severn.

        A few plans for the rest of the week... We get V+ on Thursday. That is our cable supplier's equivalent to TIVO. Hubby has booked the day off work so he can be here if they have any problems. We usually have date night on Thursday evenings, and eating out is a luxury. Lunchtimes are cheaper at most places and so, as long as the V+ installation is finished on time, we are going to head out to eat for lunch instead.

        Here is picture thought I am sharing...

        SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

        Thursday 7 January 2010

        13 things that I am looking forward to this year.

        1. I just found out this one and it's not definite yet but I get to celebrate my birthday with some friends who I get to see so rarely it hurts sometimes! Amazing people, a bit different than most folks, but that just makes them even more amazing. I do hope we can pull this off. Praying that the weather co-operates.

        2. My youngest turns 16. WOW, that makes me feel old. But it's a good thing, another sign that they are becoming the real men God created them to be.

        3. I get to take youngest to Stratford Upon Avon to watch the Royal Shakespeare company perform Romeo and Juliet! When I was at secondary school, our whole English class went and it was Romeo and Juliet then too. Well, our whole class minus me because I was somewhere else that week. I was having a great time BUT I still got to miss out on that trip. I can't believe God has blessed me with bringing it full circle so that I get to go now.

        4. My eldest may be leaving home for the first time. I will be sad, I will miss him, I am sure I will worry about him at times, but this, even this, is too a good thing! It will be part of him stepping towards his destiny and his wider brighter future!

        5. Summer holiday (vacation). We're going to a family place that the boys enjoy. We are able to let them go off and do their own thing and meet up with them, generally for meal times, heehee. We know one of the shows that will be on while we are there and they are both SO excited about it, it's one of their favourite shows on TV doing a live show. Hopefuly hubby and I will be able to take the opportunity to get lots of walks around the area, I am looking forward to that too.

        6. HOPEFULLY youngest and I will get to go to the story telling festival the weekend before our summer holiday. We'll have to wait and see if our budget and everything else will allow for that, but it really would be fun.

        7. Ludlow Food Festival. Yes we spend too much money, but it is so much fun! Hubby will NOT be coming with us this year, and even that is a good thing. He has recognised that he does not do well with crowds and so the rest of us will go to events like that without him. That's OK, we will do other things together.

        8. WALKING, walking walking. I wonder where we shall go this year? Who knows? But I am sure it will be an adventure. And I pray it will not bring the spiritual backlash that one of last year's walks brought. But you know what, I'm still gonna WALK.

        9. I get to SIMPLIFY. Oh yes, that is hard at times, and the decluttering that is already coming with it is not always easy, but I am already seeing how much nicer things will be around here and I am so looking forward to it.

        10. OOooh, we get the box from our cable supplier that allows us to record, etc live tv! (so kind of like a TIVO) SO darned excited! That happens next week or the week after I think, if I remember rightly. Eldest reckons he will be monopolising it for the first day! HA! He'll be lucky to get near it! I already know one show I want to put on there.

        11. I'm going to AMERICA! heeheee haaahaaaa yippeeeee! Oh I am so looking forward to this, you wouldn't believe how much. Wonder what the weather will be like at the end of February?

        12. I get to meet a whole load of beautiful women whom I have known and loved for years online. REAL people, REAL friends, no matter what you say Mr Ken Young. (love you too, heeheee)

        13. I get to walk through the whole of this year with God. What better thing is there to look forward to?

        If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Thursday 13 by clicking on that banner at the top of this post!

        Wednesday 6 January 2010

        December and January have seen a spate of beautiful haircuts from some of the UK's sexiest newsreaders. Here's some before and after shots. Who's your favourite? Leave us a comment.

        Joanna Gosling

        Vicky Gomersall

        Jacqui Beltrao

        Sunday 3 January 2010

        FOR TODAY, Monday 4th January 2010

        Outside my window... there is still a smattering of snow on the ground, but really ONLY a smattering, like just a millimetre or so!

        I am thinking... that I have an awful lot to do today and tomorrow but that the latter part of the week may be a bit slower.

        I am thankful for... many awesome writers who have been inspiring me this week. Particularly Anne Voskamp.

        From the learning rooms... I am learning what it is like to actually finish a Christmas Journal. Wooohoo, at my 4th year of trying. There are still today and 2 more days to go, but I WILL do this.

        From the kitchen... Treated myself to a couple of cook books over Christmas and will be using recipes from a couple of those this week. Including a couple of soup recipes from the Cook Yourself Thin book.

        I am wearing... blue jeans, a black top, a thick jumper (sweater for my American friends), socks and my boots.

        I am creating... Well, as i said there are just 3 more pages to do on the Christmas scrapbook journal. When that is done I am thinking about starting a scrapbook journal to track my healthy eating etc. Probably not daily but at least a couple of pages a week. I am also making a scarf on my knitting loom.

        I am going... out to the supermarket shortly to pick up just one or two things as our main grocery delivery comes tomorrow morning.

        I am remembering.... all the fun conversations we had at my dad's party on Saturday, whilst looking at old pictures.

        I am reading... My Bible (started a different read the bible in one year challenge this year, it gives you 25 days of readings for each month so that if you fall one or two days behind you don't have to play catch up!)
        Also reading lots of organising and home making web sites. trying to put together a routine that works for us.

        I am hoping... that I manage to get the rooms that I want to work on done today but also get my paperwork for work finished as well!

        I am praying.... for various online friends as well as the father of a friend from church whose father has just been diagnosed with cancer.

        I am hearing... the last quiet morning for a while. Husband is back at work today and has left for the day, and neither boys is back at school or college until tomorrow, so are both still asleep.
        Around the house...
        • Hall, stairs, area
        • Living room
        • Kitchen
        • Shower room (downstairs loo)
        • because friends are coming round on Tuesday for church small group.

          One of my favourite things...
          to do is sit with a friend once a week while my son is at Spanish class near her home.

          A few plans for the rest of the week...

          • Church small group
          • groceries being delivered
          • lots of paperwork and planning for work
          • date night

          Here is picture thought I am sharing...

          SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.