Sunday 24 January 2010

FOR TODAY, Monday ...

Outside my window... It's cloudy but dry. the world is waking up and going about their days.

I am thinking... about what I will do for exercise after my 12 day gym membership is up and I won't be able to use the pool any more.
I am thankful for...

  • a fantastic birthday week
  • a great day on my birthday, good food and fantastic friends to share it with
  • new bed linen
  • family
  • church fellowship
  • online friends
  • food in the freezer

From the learning rooms... hmmmmm, not sure I can think of anything this week.

From the kitchen... It's a busy week ahead of us so meals will be fairly basic and easy. I do want to make a batch of chicken soup in the middle of the week.

I am wearing... brown trousers and an orange and brown top. With my walking boots on my feet, since my favourite trainers got ripped last week.

I am creating... well, I hope to be creating some more blog posts and possibly some scrapbook pages as well as some crochet flowers.

I am going... to the gym every day until Thursday to use the pool. I treated myself to a 12 day membership offer and Thursday will be my last day. I've really been enjoying swimming again, and wish I could afford a gym membership to allow me to continue to do so.

I am remembering.... some of the things that were said while we were at friends on Saturday. Some of them to be taken with a pinch of salt and just laid aside and some to treasure and think and wonder upon.
There is something quite surreal about someone praying for you and speaking into your life while at the same time the girls of the house are doing French Plaits in your hair.

I am reading... (Or SHOULD be reading, but haven't gone near it all week) Fresh Brewed Life.

I am hoping... that when the gym membership ends on Thursday I "fall into" whatever exercise I choose to replace it easily and without stress.

I am praying.... for friends who have lost family members this week, that God would comfort them and that time off would be available for people to travel to the funerals.

I am hearing... the sound of my boys getting ready for their days. Well, the eldest is probably still in bed as he doesn't have to go in today, so the noise is probably just the youngest. And the traffic outside as people travel to work and school.
Around the house... I am really getting into the swing of a routine around here with the chores. Have the weekly things more or less set up now and am working on a room per week to get the deeper stuff and decluttering done. I don't have to do it all on the first go, because every room will come around again, so there is no need to stress and try and do everything.
    One of my favourite things... is my new pink carry on suitcase for my trip to America. One of the friends I am visiting has said that it is too cute and will not be allowed to make the return journey with me. That's cool. As long as it's new home replaces it, GRIN!

    A few plans for the rest of the week... Swim, swim, swim, swim, 1 school assembly on Tuesday, small group post Christmas meal on Tuesday evening, Visiting speaker at church next Sunday.

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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