Sunday 3 January 2010

FOR TODAY, Monday 4th January 2010

Outside my window... there is still a smattering of snow on the ground, but really ONLY a smattering, like just a millimetre or so!

I am thinking... that I have an awful lot to do today and tomorrow but that the latter part of the week may be a bit slower.

I am thankful for... many awesome writers who have been inspiring me this week. Particularly Anne Voskamp.

From the learning rooms... I am learning what it is like to actually finish a Christmas Journal. Wooohoo, at my 4th year of trying. There are still today and 2 more days to go, but I WILL do this.

From the kitchen... Treated myself to a couple of cook books over Christmas and will be using recipes from a couple of those this week. Including a couple of soup recipes from the Cook Yourself Thin book.

I am wearing... blue jeans, a black top, a thick jumper (sweater for my American friends), socks and my boots.

I am creating... Well, as i said there are just 3 more pages to do on the Christmas scrapbook journal. When that is done I am thinking about starting a scrapbook journal to track my healthy eating etc. Probably not daily but at least a couple of pages a week. I am also making a scarf on my knitting loom.

I am going... out to the supermarket shortly to pick up just one or two things as our main grocery delivery comes tomorrow morning.

I am remembering.... all the fun conversations we had at my dad's party on Saturday, whilst looking at old pictures.

I am reading... My Bible (started a different read the bible in one year challenge this year, it gives you 25 days of readings for each month so that if you fall one or two days behind you don't have to play catch up!)
Also reading lots of organising and home making web sites. trying to put together a routine that works for us.

I am hoping... that I manage to get the rooms that I want to work on done today but also get my paperwork for work finished as well!

I am praying.... for various online friends as well as the father of a friend from church whose father has just been diagnosed with cancer.

I am hearing... the last quiet morning for a while. Husband is back at work today and has left for the day, and neither boys is back at school or college until tomorrow, so are both still asleep.
Around the house...
  • Hall, stairs, area
  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Shower room (downstairs loo)
  • because friends are coming round on Tuesday for church small group.

    One of my favourite things...
    to do is sit with a friend once a week while my son is at Spanish class near her home.

    A few plans for the rest of the week...

    • Church small group
    • groceries being delivered
    • lots of paperwork and planning for work
    • date night

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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