Wednesday 24 February 2010

Here's a great video showing some really nice styles from long to bob.

Friday 19 February 2010

Thursday 18 February 2010

Here's the beautifully gorgeous Catherine Huntley of QVC sporting her super sexy new blonde bob haircut with a blunt fringe. Great hair Catherine!

And one from before...

Monday 15 February 2010

holy experience

41. Truth being spoken at church.

42. Leaders who are willing to be seen as vulnerable and human.

43. A church body who will gather around leadership and pray for them, honouring them.

44. A husband who is planning on getting all sorts of little jobs done around the house while I am way in a week or so's time.

45. Children who are helping me with the chores, even if they are complaining about it.

46. A night away with hubby booked for our wedding anniversary at the end of this week.

47. 2 smaller dining tables rather than 1 large one. Gives us the flexibility to keep them separate when that is needed or put them together when that is better.

48. Free text messages that hubby gets whenever his work tops up his mobile broadband for his trips away. So many that he never manages to use them all before they run out.

49. I have my own car so taht I can get to where I need to be when I need to be there without having to wait around for buses.

50. A dream that I was able to share with a friend that really encouraged her.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.
FOR TODAY, Monday 15th February...

Outside my is cloudy but dry.

I am thinking...about all the things I need to get done today that I seem to have absolutely no motivation to get done! I swear, even though it's the kids who are on mid term break week from school, I seem to want to join them in doing nothing.

I am thankful for... truth being spoken at church yesterday with a reminder that we are to lift up and encourage and if we are doing the opposite we need to consider our motivation and remind ourself that the enemy is the one who seeks to kill, steal and destroy.

From the learning rooms...This week I learnt how to crochet a ruffle scarf. I had no idea it would be so easy. However, I also learnt that when I crochet for too long I get a sore neck. This might scupper my plans to crochet on the plane when I go to America.

From the kitchen... Lots of new to us recipes this past week. We worked entirely from the Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food book. This coming week we are working entirely from the Nigella Express book, including Nutella Pancakes on Tuesday and a ginger Wine Trifle later in the week.

I am wearing... jeans and an orange and brown jersey top. With my walking boots. I have to wear proper shoes all the time because I have a bad fallen arch on my right foot and need to wear arch supports. Wish I could afford custom ones, but for the moment it's over the counter ones and I find my foot slips in and out of my shoe if I wear them with ordinary shoes, because it makes my heel sit too high in the shoe. I have a couple of pairs of shoes coming from a shoe catalogue this week that might work better, but if not, they go back!

I am creating... lists, or at least I will need to later today. Lists for what I need to get done before I go to America in 10 days time.

I am going... to a hotel on Friday with my hubby to celebrate our anniversary.

I am hoping... that we work out a solution for me to take photos while I am away without having to take our big main camera.
The camera in my phone has not proved to be particularly good, and we do have a 2nd camera that is smaller, but eldest son told me yesterday it wasn't working. I need to check that with hubby and see what we can do about it.
I am praying.... for truth to be believed, for lies to be exposed and for God to be glorified.

I am hearing... my 18 year old whining because I asked him to do a chore for me.
Around the house... it's Kitchen and dining room day today. Need to work out what we will do about replacing the dining room chair that got broken over the weekend. Hmmmm.
    One of my favourite things... is to think about my trip to America and refuse to think about the delays that happened to my friends who just went to Kansas for the week. 2 hours into their flight across the Atlantic they plane came back to the UK to eject a passenger who was drunk. Nothing like that will be happening on my trip, I have declared it.

    A few plans for the rest of the week... trip down to local living history museum to pick up some gifties for daughters of friends I will be staying with in America. Night away with hubby for our anniversary and probably start packing.

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

    Sunday 14 February 2010

    Whoever said “You can’t change a man” clearly didn’t have these stylish sistas in mind. The likes of Ashton, David and Will were fashion-disaster zones before, but enter Demi, Victoria and Jada and suddenly, the world is their catwalk!

    Dude, Where’s My Stylist? Circa 2001 BD (Before Demi), goofball Ashton Kutcher had a penchant for greasy locks and ill-fitting suits.

    Thursday 11 February 2010

    13 things that need doing around my house
    1. FENCE - A job my hubby would like to tackle himself but is complicated by the fact that next doors garden is 2 foot lower than ours. So where do you put the fence? What do the posts have to bed into? It absolutely needs doing NOW, so we'll probably have to get a local fencing contractor to come do it. Dread to think how much that will cost.
    2. Need to replace the doorstop that stops the front door bashing into the wall. The rubber on the old one is degrading and I noticed the other day when the door swang open, that the handle hit the wall. That's a hole in the plaster waiting to happen. That should cost pennies and take minutes though, just need to remember to pick the new one up!
    3. When we moved into this house there were polystyrene tiles on the ceiling in the living room and the main bedroom. We took the ones down in our bedroom (health and safety if there was ever a fire), but have never gotten around to removing the remaining glue and painting that ceiling.
    4. Need to finish fixing the shower cubicle. Hubby has the bits and pieces he needs, it's just a matter of finding the time to get the job done.
    5. Hole in the kitchen wall that is hidden by the fridge, needs a piece of plasterboard cut to size, fitted in and painted over.
    6. When we had the new double glazed unit put in the back door, they left us with the piece of skirting board to finish off that tiny stretch. We haven't got around to doing that either.
    7. Do something about the floor in the kitchen and dining room. Lino? Laminate? Hard Tiles? Skim it and paint it?
    8. Deal wit those polystyrene tiles mentioned above, in the living room, on the ceiling.
    9. There is a false fireplace in the living room that the previous owner put in. Trouble is, even if you were to put an electric fire in there, there are none that fit the gap that he made! arrrgghhhh! So we need to remove the fireplace, sort out any mess that leaves behind on the wall.
    10. Then we will remove the surrounding floor tiles, that will mean re skimming the floor under those, and then we'll need new carpet, because the existing one only goes as far as the tiles.

    11. Replace carpet in eldest son's room.
    12. replace carpet in youngest son's room.
    13. consider redoing whole plumbing system in kitchen!

    14. So, not a lot really, we should have it done in no time. What's that you ask? How long have we been here so far? ermmmmm, yes, well, errrm, maybe it will take a few more years then!
    If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Thursday 13 by clicking on that banner at the top of this post!

    Tuesday 9 February 2010

    What did I learn this week?

    This week I learned that some colds take longer to get over than others.
    Normally, if I get a cold, it lasts a couple of days and it is gone. THIS one went on for weeks! First I had a really bad sore throat, then the cold went to my nose and then it descended to my upper chest. I have spoken to other people I know who have had it and they each speak of exactly the same process.

    Having a cold and being on a CPAP machine can be interesting, but I managed, and dosed up with cold remedies, and throat pastilles, eventually got through it.

    I didn't quite lose my voice, but thought it was going to go a few times, which was interesting since I had two school assemblies to speak at. I just told the children they had to listen extra hard and if my voice did go they would have a very short assembly.

    If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.

    Sunday 7 February 2010

    holy experience

    31. Cracked toilet being replaced today and all without once leaking anywhere, we caught the crack before it went all the way through to the inside!

    32. A roof over my head, a secure place to rest, knowing that I will be safe until morning comes.

    33. A refreshing talk with my husband today, about the issues facing us, our fellowship and those we love and care about.

    34. The courage of a son who is making steps towards healing for his wounds.

    35. The faithfulness of God that means said son will be met on the way by a Father God literally running towards him full pelt, eager to bring the healing and wholeness that son longs for and deserves. A God who has already begun to do that, who has not waited for this moment, but has already been bringing restoration.

    36. Same son, working hard towards his current projects at college, stepping out and pushing for a place on a team at a big event, amazing me at his abilities, skills and interests, over and over again. You are awesome son, GO FOR IT!

    37. An other son, who continues to excel academically and is willing to put in the extra time and effort needed over and above the minimum required to get by.

    38. Same second son who also has great skills in the kitchen, and once he learns to organise his kitchen time will be an amazing asset to any home he is part of in the future!

    39. An awesome worship team who lead us into the presence of God, enabling us to stand before the throne.

    40. Online friends who willingly pray when requested.

    If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.
    FOR TODAY, Monday 8th February ...

    Outside my window... I don't want to talk about the weather for outside my window today. Because outside my window covers everything that isn't inside these 4 walls and I know that outside my window there are people who are hurting and confused and scared and lost and lonely. And I know that some of those are people I know, and know well.
    And my heart cry to God is that he meet them where they are at! That they see, that they are not alone in where they are and what they are feeling, that they truly SEE and UNDERSTAND and FEEL that HE is right there with them. That HE has not left them to face these situations and confusions alone.
    I pray for healing and restoration. For hope to rise again. A hope based in truth.

    I am thinking... that I need to reach out, outside of my cosy, comfortable existence, that I need to stretch and grow and reach out!

    I am thankful for...

    • Friends
    • Worship and wonderful worship teams and leaders
    • Stories
    • Truth
    • Grace
    • Mercy

    From the learning rooms... I am learning that sometimes it takes faith to simply put one foot in front of the other.

    From the kitchen... Last week there was a fish pie that resulted in me getting a fish bone stuck in my throat. BOY that was scary! Thanks to the internet, I was able to look up what to do and see if there was an alternative to going to the hospital.
    BREAD, dry bread, swallowed with as little chewing as possible, finally shifted it. It is hard to fight against the instinct to chew that bread and get it swallowed, but if you can do that, it kind of catches against the fish bone and drags it out of where it is stuck.
    I am wearing... jeans, teal green t-shirts, walking shoes and a sweater.

    I am going... to be doing a school assembly tomorrow morning, at one of my regular schools. Looking forward to it, it should be fun!

    I am reading... not a lot recently, although I hope to chagne that in the near future. Want to get back to the re read of Fresh Brewed Life and finish that again. Then start on some of the mountain of unread books.

    I am hoping... that through the difficulties, through the heartache, through the pain and distress, that GOD will be glorified! It's going to be a tough week for some of the people we know and love as they process stuff.

    I am praying....
    • that God will be glorified.
    • that I will know how to personally reach out to the people involved.
    • that we as a couple will know how to reach out generally.
    • that Truth will reign.
    • That LIGHT will shine in the darkness.

    I am hearing... the whir of the washer/dryer as it spins. Will be time to fetch the clothes out of it soon.
    Around the house... I am expecting a plumber to arrive shortly to replace our cracked toilet bowl. it is probably going to mean extra jobs for us when he is finished because of the way the room is right now, but we'll have to deal with that.
      One of my favourite things... is to remember that I am loved and I am chosen, and I am here in this place at this time for a purpose, even if I sometimes wonder what that purpose is.

      A few plans for the rest of the week... Small Group on Tuesday, this weeks hands on stuff involves a tool kit! Then Date night on Thursday, maybe we'll just go for coffee/hot chocolate this week.

      Here is picture thought I am sharing...

      SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

      Friday 5 February 2010

      Years ago, our dear friend Natalie started Friday Felicities. I say “our” because she was a friend to so many women online.
      Natalie passed away on June 7, 2007 after a sudden illness. Becky took over hosting Friday Felicities.
      What are felicities you ask? Why they are things that make you happy! So, this is not a hard meme at all! Becky gives permission to use the graphic in this post but please load it to your own site. List your happies and please go over to Becky's to sign the Mr. Linky.

      So, my Friday Felicities for Friday 5th February are:
      • 3 weeks to go, 3 weeks to go, 3 weeks to go, well actually 2 weeks and 6 days!
      • My new phone and the pretty pink cover I bought for it yesterday.
      • A new school that I did an assembly talk for this week, we had great fun!
      • Parents evening at school this week. Gotta love my boys they are both doing so well at the moment! This week was youngest's parents evening at school, and the teachers all make me laugh because they all think he's so wonderful! They both are wonderful and I am SO blessed!
      • Although there were none of what I wanted when I went out yesterday to buy little gifties for the daughters of the friends I will be staying with in America, the lady promised me she would be making some more for half term week, and that is the week before I go! yeah!
      • Feeling much better after this stupid cold. not all gone yet but feeling much better!
      • Youngest only had 3 days off school with this cold, and is back in there now, albeit dosed up!

      Thursday 4 February 2010

      I was inspired to write this post by my friend Dana. She is reviewing her goals for the year each week and in a different way each month.

      Now I didn't set goals, but I did talk about my theme for the year being simplifying, here on my blog. In that post I talked a bit about how I felt that theme might affect different parts of my life. I reckon it's time to play catch up and have a look at that list again.

      • I believe I need to SIMPLIFY in terms of health.
        Hmmmm, this has not started well. I set up and began my 12 day gym membership and loved loved loved swimming, BUT got this stupid cold and missed out on the last 4 days of that memebership! I certainly haven't done any exercise walking since. Feeling a lot better today but getting back into the routine of it will be the hard part. Always is.
      • I believe I need to SIMPLIFY in terms of my work.
        I sent one set of letters to all the schools in my town who had OCC assemblies off me and another set of letters to all the schools not in that list who are in the South part of town. From that I got one new booking. I have also applied for an admin job at my youngest son's school and am happy whichever way this goes. If I keep my existing job and I get break through then that is great and I WILL keep pushing and praying for that, but equally if it is time to walk away and into another job then I am fine with that too. God will do whichever is best and I will be OK.
      • I believe I need to SIMPLIFY in terms of chores around the house.
        This WAS going really well, until I got ill. I need lists, I like lists, they work for me, breaking chores down into a long list of smaller steps might drive some people up the wall, but it really helps me to see that I am crossing things off, no matter how small! However, when I got this cold it all kind of fell apart a bit. The good thing though is that because i had been doing so well up until then it really doesn't look all that bad after just a week off. Feeling much better today and going to try and get back into it.
      • Along with SIMPLIFYING the chores, I think I seriously need to de-clutter, SIMPLIFY what we have.
        Going really well. Last Saturday hubby took 15 carrier bags of books to the charity shop for me. WOW. And looking at the bookshelves now it is very hard to imagine how all those books fitted on there because they still look rather full! Will be coming back to each room at points throughout the year and am sure that things which have stayed this time will be going next time!
      • I need to SIMPLIFY my spiritual life.
        Journaling has always been key for me and I don't know why i so often run away from it or just let it slip away. I have written over 80 pages in my journal since the beginning of the year and feel on so much more of an even keel spiritually through doing that. The only problem with writing so many pages of course is working out what on earth i will do with them all once they are written. I am trying to clear space on one of the bookshelves to be able to make it a shelf of previous journals. Only a handful on there now but if I keep writing at this rate it will grow fast.
      • I need to maintain a SIMPLICITY to my trip to America.
        Well, I am still trying on this one and it seems to be working. I simply cannot see everyone and do everything, I hope people understand that. There are some people I really WANT to see who are just unable to travel and that makes me a little sad. Packing is simplified because the two friends who I am staying with have said not to worry about towels or toiletries, I can use what they have. I fly three weeks from today, I guess I ought to think about a packing list or something, but I do at least have a few things bought and both my main case and my new carry on case out, open and ready to pack.
        I picked up flight socks, one of those bead filled travel pillows (I HATE the inflatable ones even if they do take up less space), and some little goodies to take as gifts for my friends. Going to nip down to one of the local living history museums today to pick up some goodies for the daughters of the friends I am staying with.
      • I can SIMPLIFY my online life and time.
        Not doing so well here. Often find myself sat in front of the computer for hours at a time, ooops! Am doing better at consistent blogging though, although the last week it has slipped off a bit because of not being well. Planning at least the subject of some of my blog posts, once a week has really helped too.
      • Church fellowship?
        This makes me smile. A visiting speaker came at the weekend. He is a bit like a Father to our fellowship in many ways and really gave us a bit of a talking to, which was needed by the way. One of the things he said was that we need to stop spreading ourselves so thin and concentrate on fewer things. So he said "If you do A, B, C & D, then that's what matters and you really need to focus on those things and put all your energy into those things and do them well."
      Did you write goals for the year? Or do you have a theme? How is that going?

      Monday 1 February 2010

      holy experience

      21. Cold remedy medications that keep the worst of the symptoms away.

      22. My voice holding out for the school assembly I had to speak at this morning.

      23. A husband who picked up the slack while I was ill last week and prepared dinner more than once.

      24. for a teenage son who did the same.

      25. For safe journeys in this mornings snow and ice.

      26. for wonderful, fantastic, scary and confusing words from God. I have to tell you folks, it's going to be an interesting year!

      27. It's only 24 days until I get on a plane!

      28. household insurance that means someone is coming out to look at our cracked toilet bowl this afternoon.

      29. for my older teenage son stepping up and sitting with his ill younger brother while I went out this morning.

      30. for a husband who loves me and prays with me and is just wonderful all round.

      If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.
      FOR TODAY, Monday 1st February

      Outside my window... there is snow and ice and everything is a bit dull.

      I am thinking... about how long it took me to get to where I was going this morning. Thank Goodness I left the house early enough.

      I am thankful for...

      • This nasty cold I have had seems to be on its way out!
      • My voice held up for the school assembly I did this morning.
      • The head teacher seemed impressed with the assembly and is keen to book more.
      • hubby got to work safely in this nasty weather.
      • that I made it to church yesterday despite my nasty cold, I would have missed out on some important words if I had not gone.
      • that eldest was able to be here with youngest while I went out. (Yes, youngest now has the cold I had)

      From the learning rooms... Not a lot of learning going on for me. I have spent most of the last week on the sofa. I suppose I did learn that daytime tv on Saturdays is RUBBISH!
      Youngest is supposed to have a mock practical for his food tech GCSE tomorrow. I am waiting for his teacher to ring me back so that we can sort out what we do since he is too ill to come into school.

      From the kitchen... I haven't been doing a lot of cooking but am feeling a bit better now. Tonight will be sausages, mashed potatoes and steamed veg. More interesting fayre coming later in the week.

      I am wearing... my "school assembly uniform", smart black trousers and reasonably smart top. I do have my big thick sweater on as well though. Walking boots on my feet to give me grip when I go outside in the snow.

      I am creating... a messy house again, with having been too ill to keep up with my chores, but at least it had been kept tidy before this hit and I will be starting to get back into my routines today.

      I am going... to do another assembly tomorrow morning but other than that do not HAVE TO GO anywhere this week. Well, it is parents evening at youngest's school on Thursday but he is supposed to come with me and I doubt he will be well enough.

      I am remembering.... some of the interesting things god appears to ahve been speaking to us lately and wondering if I am ready for what it could mean.

      I am reading... not a lot. I do however want to start reading a Stewart Keiller book that I picked up at church yesterday.

      I am hoping... that my youngest son gets over this cold much more quickly than I have.

      I am praying.... for my son to get better soon, for the schools i do assemblies at and for god to be at the centre of the details of my upcoming trip.

      I am hearing... the tv in the other room, with two teens at home that is going to be all day, especially with one of them ill.
      Around the house... kitchen and dining room chores today. Won't get it all done but hope to do at least a bit of it.
        One of my favourite things... this last week has been curling up on the sofa with a blanket.

        A few plans for the rest of the week... Like I said, there are not many places I have to go this week, I intend to stay home, get properly better and maybe make some plans for Valentines day and our wedding anniversary the week after that.

        Here is picture thought I am sharing...

        SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.