Monday 1 February 2010

holy experience

21. Cold remedy medications that keep the worst of the symptoms away.

22. My voice holding out for the school assembly I had to speak at this morning.

23. A husband who picked up the slack while I was ill last week and prepared dinner more than once.

24. for a teenage son who did the same.

25. For safe journeys in this mornings snow and ice.

26. for wonderful, fantastic, scary and confusing words from God. I have to tell you folks, it's going to be an interesting year!

27. It's only 24 days until I get on a plane!

28. household insurance that means someone is coming out to look at our cracked toilet bowl this afternoon.

29. for my older teenage son stepping up and sitting with his ill younger brother while I went out this morning.

30. for a husband who loves me and prays with me and is just wonderful all round.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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