Monday 30 November 2009

FOR TODAY, Monday ...

Outside my window... it is probably the coldest say of this season so far. There was frost on the windscreen of my car when I went out this morning and it is set to drop as low as minus 6 tonight (CELSIUS remember, we are metric here)

I am thinking... of all the things I need to get done in the next day or so.

I am thankful for...

  • A fantastic day at the Medieval Christmas Fayre yesterday.
  • An opportunity this week to work through some things with trusted friends.
  • For continued opportunities to speak into the lives of Children in local schools, through assemblies.
  • For the fact that I live where I do, when I do and with the people I do!
  • For the exciting future that I KNOW God has for the people of my town!
  • For my car that is still going.
  • For my computer and the connections it has allowed me to make and the relationships it has allowed me to build.
From the learning rooms... Yesterday I learnt to make crochet flowers. I think I will be making a lot more of them.

From the kitchen... tonight we will be christening my younger son's birthday gift, a tagine. We're making Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons. I think we'll serve it with couscous and flatbreads.

I am wearing... Black cargo trousers, and a burgundy v-neck top with false shirt collar and cuffs.

I am creating... lots of crochet and knitting loom goodies. Some of which are for gifts so there will be no pictures for the moment at least.

I am going... to AMERICA next Spring. Oh did I already tell you that last week? Hmmmmm, I am going . . . to continue to be overly excited about my trip to America. I have wanted to make this trip for so long now and can't quite believe it is really going to happen!

I am remembering.... That I really must get the book off the shelf and learn this school assembly that I am doing tomorrow morning!

I am reading... not an awful lot at the moment, although I do have a basket full of Christmas gifts that I will be digging into over the next few weeks.

I am hoping... For continued breakthrough in a number of areas, particularly the one we will be addressing with friends later this week. My "theme" for this year was breakthrough and I do NOT for one second believe we are done with that yet, even though the year is nearly over.

I am praying....

  • For friends who are struggling with long term illnesses
  • For truth
  • For the BEST Christmas ever, and not in the physical, practical ways.

I am hearing... the electrical hum of my computer and the clicking of the keys as I type, an occasional vehicle outside and not a lot else. Maybe I should put some Christmas music on. Any suggestions?
Around the house...
  • Christmas Planning
  • Meal Planning
  • Shopping List planning
  • dishes to wash and put away
  • laundry to put away
  • Diary to update
    One of my favourite things... at the moment is my new knitting loom. I LOVE IT!

    A few plans for the rest of the week...

    • School assembly tomorrow morning.
    • Shoebox Lorry loading tomorrow all day
    • Son's Spanish Class and me to friends tomorrow afternoon
    • Small Group tomorrow evening
    • Talking with friends Wednesday evening
    • LOCAL Christmas Fayre on Friday afternoon
    • Friend's leaving do on Friday evening
    • Possible trip to another Christmas Fayre on Saturday

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

    Thursday 26 November 2009

    Years ago, our dear friend Natalie started Friday Felicities. I say “our” because she was a friend to so many women online.
    Natalie passed away on June 7, 2007 after a sudden illness. Becky took over hosting Friday Felicities and while she may not manage to post every week, those of us who participate now still consider her the host.
    What are felicities you ask? Why they are things that make you happy! So, this is not a hard meme at all! Becky gives permission to use the graphic in this post but please load it to your own site. List your happies and please go over to Becky's to sign the Mr. Linky if she posts and link up with other Friday Felicities participants.
    So, my Friday Felicities for Friday 27th November are:
    • Walking away from one project that I have been involved in for a few years, KNOWING that God has something more for me to do, but not knowing what and being OK with that.
    • Sunshine
    • Rain
    • Friends, good friends
    • Airlines offering good deals on flights to America!
    • The whole idea that I WILL be going to America next year and meeting IRL some of those women who knew Natalie in person!

    Wednesday 25 November 2009

    13 things about yearly themes
    1. I first came across the idea of themes for the year a few years ago through reading the blogs of friends. Basically the idea is to seek God for an underlying theme for the coming year and then watch how He works that out in your life. Also considering your actions and lifestyle in light of that theme.
    2. I started doing this myself a few years ago and have noticed more and more people commenting on their themes for the year.
    3. Some years this has been a process of taking time out, sitting with God, looking at the previous years theme, how that went, praying, reading, listening, and other times it has just been one word or phrase that dropped into my spirit and I KNEW that that was the theme for that year.
    4. Some years the theme seems like a really nice one and you approach the year thinking "Yeah, I can DO this, this will be fun." and other years you approach your theme with a little trepidation.
    5. For instance, I have friends whose recent themes include Patience, and everyone knows if God wants to grow patience in you, He's going to put you in some situations that will require you to grow patience and those might not be fun. I have another friend whose theme for the coming year is Enjoy and I'm really excited to watch and see what God does with her this year.
    6. Other years you look at your theme and you think it's going to be one thing and looking back on the year at the end you see it totally fitted with your theme BUT absolutely NOT in the way you had expected that to work out.
    7. As an example a few years ago my theme for the year was "Seeking God for myself, not relying on others to speak into me." I thought "yeah, I can do this, lots of time praying, reading my bible, listening for god to speak, yeah, I can do this." What I did not expect was for it to be the most isolating year of my life socially, where a lot of relationships were stretched, broken, and there were fewer and fewer people close enough to be able to speak into my life. I had no choice but to seek out God for myself.
    8. Then there was last year. REST! Great, fantastic, slow down, take it easier, REST. HA! God really has a sense of humour.
    9. I started 2008 knowing that I was having some medical symptoms that I suspected were sleep apnoea related. I had tried to seek medical advice previously but had been rebuffed by our family doctor who would not refer me to a specialist. As my symptoms began to worsen, and I realised I had less and less energy, needing frequent 3 or 4 hour daytime naps just to get through the day, falling asleep sat up at the computer desk, and even, at times mid conversation with my family, I knew I would have to face the doctor again. And I was prepared for it to be a battle, I was prepared that I would need to FIGHT to be heard.
      Alongside that, hubby and I had been struggling in our role as small group leaders at church. We had taken on what turned out to be an incredibly difficult group, for various reasons. We HAD previously tried to get help in our role, but had not been heard, we had even tried to quit before, but had been persuaded to stay. I was prepared for this, too to be a battle, I was prepared to have to FIGHT for what I knew God was doing in me!

      So, here were two situations in which I was totally expecting a battle.
      When I finally got up the courage to approach the doctors again, in the end I got my referral to the sleep clinic! PRAISE GOD. I went to my first appointment and for the first time in relation to these symptoms I felt like I was really HEARD. It truly felt like God had gone before me and prepared the way.

      Small group leading? It was awesome. We hold no blame over the couple who led the ministry at that time at all, and they were absolutely fantastic, totally coming to terms with where we were at, apologising for not having realised before and giving us the space to step back with no repercussions.

      So, two situations in which I expected battle and found nothing but the way already prepared before me.
      A year in which physically I was forced to take more and more rest as my symptoms grew.
      A year in which I tried to make much more of a focus on getting to "soaking" meetings, where we just sit on a comfy sofa, or lie on the floor and rest while appropriate worship music is played over us. Sometimes someone prays and sometimes they don't, but we just SOAK in God's presence.
      Then, at church family camp 2008 I had the most amazing experience.
      I wasn't sure about how attending camp would affect my sleep, and not being able to nap during the day, etc, but I went anyway, figuring if had to hide out in our unit I would. There was this one meeting, and worship was awesome, and I was singing and dancing, and then the tiredness, slowly began to come over me. And I got to a point, where I could not dance any more, but I still stood and sang, and raised my hands. And as the tiredness grew, my hands came down to hold on to the seat in front, and then I had to sit down and eventually even stop singing. I could not even muster to the energy to do that. I COULD NOT fight the sleep, I could not DO anything for God in that moment, I did not even have the energy to think through the words of the song in my head, it was all I could do to just BE. And in that moment I felt the nearness of God like I have NEVER felt it before, I felt His love and His closeness, and His passion, and it overwhelmed me. I mean, seriously overwhelmed me. I could DO NOTHING, and in that moment He came to me. I could DO NOTHING and in that moment He poured out His love on me. I could DO NOTHING and in that moment he came to dwell with me. I could do NOT ONE THING to make myself acceptable to God, I could not earn it in any way shape or form, I could not even keep my eyes open in the worship service, and in that place, He expressed His passionate love and care for me.
    10. 2009 began with a theme of Breakthrough but in fact, at first glance, it started with some situations that did not look like breakthrough at all.
      I would not be allowed to drive my car for a few months at least. Due to my diagnosis of Sleep Apnoea, my driving licence had been medically revoked. My precious little gift of a car was put off road for a while!
      I was to receive a local bus pass because of that but that would take 5 or 6 weeks to come through, so in the meantime, and for any journeys after it came through that were not possible by bus, I was reliant on others!

      So, NO, this didn't look like breakthrough, and it didn't feel like breakthrough, but I KNEW that I knew that I knew, that God, the Father had His hands completely on this whole process and that He would use this, even this to bring about the breakthrough He intended!

      And at the same time, I was heading towards some fantastic moments of breakthrough that I already knew about!
      Hubby and I celebrated 15 years of marriage in February. Something a lot of people never thought we'd do!
      I got my CPAP machine (Sleep apnoea treatment) at the end of January and despite an early struggle to get used to it and moments of absolute despair at the possibility of things never improving I am now able to go about my day without falling asleep and without needing daytime naps and live life more or less normally. Of course there are still bad days, bad nights, and I still don't have the energy to do EVERYTHING, but this is SO much better than things were before I got treated.
      The restoration of day time energy levels meant I could focus once again on losing some weight and increasing my heart health through exercise! And since then I have lost almost 30 pounds. I have taken a break from the effort towards that over the last 3 months but am ready to get re started.

      I have also seen breakthrough in other areas of my life, I got my driving licence back at the end of the summer, and God has met me particularly in the struggle and desire for deeper female friendship, with that being met in more than 1 way. God has also spoken to my local church about breakthrough, this October, using the very verses from Joshua that I had used to back up my theme for this year.

      2009 is NOT over yet. I do not Believe the year of Breakthrough is over yet! There is much to come, both in the remaining 5 weeks of the actual year, and truly, I believe beyond that! When I seek God for a theme for 2010 it is not denying the breakthrough that will continue, it is merely adding to it!
    11. So, 2010? Friends have been speaking of their themes for this coming year already, and I was refusing to even acknowledge it, refusing to accept that this was possible. I am still in the middle of my busiest 2 months of the year and refuse to even do Christmas planning until that ends at the end of this week, or possibly as late as the beginning of next week.
      Quite simply, it was not even on my radar and I was fine with that.
    12. THEN, the other morning, I was lying in bed and a thought dropped into my head, ONE WORD! And I thought after it, "Oh that might be my theme for the year" Then I reminded myself that I was refusing to think about that yet and that anyway was I really sure I wanted a theme like that? Remembering what I said up in points 6 and 7.
      I mentioned to some friends that I thought I MIGHT have my theme and was GRUMP GRUMP GRUMP in response to it.
      The truth is this theme fits in with other things that God has been speaking to me over recent weeks, and was confirmed by a blog post from someone whose writing I trust, this morning.
    13. One word - or at least one word, that can be put in a number of different ways.
      Not working harder and harder, but working smarter. Not doing things just because "well someone's got to do it" but focusing on those things that I believe God wants ME to do. Not doign things because "Doing A is the only way B is going to happen" but trusting God that what He has promised to do, He WILL do. Simplifying STUFF as well, de-cluttering, getting rid of junk, emotionally, spiritually and physically. NOPE, I don't think this is going to be an EASY theme to live through, but I think it's going to be an adventure, and I am up for that!
    If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Thursday 13 by clicking on that banner at the top of this post!
    I'm loving the recent trend of short haircuts (above shoulder length) hitting the streets. Here are some of my favorites from the last few months.

    Frankie Sandford
    Short Back and Side!

    Alexandra Burke
    Super Sexy Bob with Blunt Fringe

    Suzanna Reid
    Nice Chin-Length Bob

    Jenni Falconer
    Blonde Short Haircut

    Tuesday 24 November 2009

    If you want to see other Wordless Wednesday photos, go check them out here.
    And make sure you come back tomorrow for Tell me Thursday, the story BEHIND the photos I chose this week.

    What did I learn this week?

    This week I have learned that just because something is a GOOD thing to be involved in, to be doing, that that does not automatically mean that YOU should be the person doing it. I have been passionately involved in Operation Christmas child and other Samaritan's Purse projects for a long time, been a registered volunteer for 4 years, been involved in the local area committee for 2 years.

    When the lorry leaves at the end of this week, taking our boxes to Kyrgzstan, I will be walking away from our area committee. That does NOT mean I will also be walking away from Samaritan's Purse necessarily, that is a decision for a later time. It's STILL something I am keen about and thing is an excellent charity with excellent goals and projects, particularly the newer projects that are beginning to come through. BUT after this year I will not be on area committee, I will not be manning shifts in charge of the warehouse, or involved in the organisation of that.

    There are people who are going to be surprised by this, there are people who are going to be disappointed or even angry at this news, but i have to do what is right for me, what I believe god is calling me to, and this is not a running away from something, but a running to a wider future, with other things to be involved in. I am NOT super woman and I cannot DO everything that people would like me to do.

    If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.

    Monday 23 November 2009

    Remember my recent Tackle It about my Kitchen Tool storage:

    Well, I decided to do somethign similar with my jewellery storage. Most of the time I don't wear my jewellery, purely because i forget, because it's not stored well, somewhere i can quickly and easily get at it. So I followed the above method and did something similar in the downstairs bathroom. This time I used a tension rod rather than the more complicated method in the kitchen. I put curtain rings onto the pole before putting it up and put curtain hooks onto each ring. Smaller items are on a rotating jewellery display gadget on the shelf below.

    If you want to see more tackles, go check out 5minutes for mom by clicking on their banner at the top of this post.
    FOR TODAY, Monday 23rd November 2009...

    Outside my window... the sun is trying to break through the clouds and turn this dreary day bright.

    I am thinking... about re-arranging my plans for the day based on the bad night I just had, and the headache that is trying to convince me it exists.

    I am thankful for... the fact that I am not on the rota at the shoebox warehouse today and therefore can take today at my own pace.

    From the learning rooms... I am learning how to respond to people and situations based on the new me, the things God has been revealing and speaking.

    From the kitchen... There really has not been a lot of creativity coming out of the kitchen over the last few weeks. I've been too busy with the shoebox warehouse.

    I am wearing... Black trousers and a brown and orange top. I skip between having a jacket on because I'm too cold and taking it off because I'm too warm. It's that kind of day!

    I am creating... a scarf on my new knitting loom. It should be finished in a day or so. It's thick, chunky and will be VERY warm!

    I am going... to AMERICA! Oh yes I am! there is now enough money in the bank account and I will be booking a flight at the end of this week!

    I am remembering.... the thoughts that dropped into my mind as I woke up this morning about what my theme for next year MIGHT be.

    I am reading... Crochet patterns and knitting loom instructions!

    I am hoping... That I can do an hour or two at the shoebox warehouse today and walk away at the end of that without anyone trying to put any guilt on me for not staying longer! And if they try I will brush it of, and equally if I do not manage it I have no intention of feeling guilty!

    I am praying.... for friends who are on the final day of an intensive prayer time. That God surprises them! (in a good way)

    I am hearing... Brian reading the Daily Audio Bible. I'm a bit behind though, so am listening to one from 2 weeks ago.
    Around the house... hmmmmmmm
    • Plan this weeks menu
    • sort, fold and put away the clean, dry laundry
    • Cut a fleece blanket into strips to make scarves for shoebox warehouse
    • Remember to take CPAP mask back upstairs when it is dry after doing a thorough clean of it this morning. most times I get upstairs and get ready for bed and then notice I have left it downstairs.
      One of my favourite things... at the moment is CHEESE!

      A few plans for the rest of the week...

      • Full days at the shoebox warehouse on Wednesday and Thursday
      • Youngest to Spanish class tomorrow
      • Me to friend's house while youngest is at Spanish
      • Parents evening for eldest, just 45 minutes after we return from Spanish class, and 15 minutes drive away! hmmmmm . . . . .
      • Church small group

      Here is picture thought I am sharing...

      SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.

      Wednesday 18 November 2009

      Here's a short but cute video showcasing an unusual way of keeping your blunt fringe in check.

      Sunday 15 November 2009

      Well, the last post was the list as it stood this morning.
      If I stand any chance of completing any of it that will all have to change. These are the items from the original list that I either HAVE completed or still think are viable options. It will be a shorter list, but maybe we can add to it!

      1. Get a tattoo
      2. Visit Scotland
      3. Visit Ireland
      4. Visit America to meet some of my dear W@h friends.
      5. Finish that quilt I started years ago!
      6. Get a £50 hair cut at least once. We weren't far off this the day before I originally updated the list back in 2007. My sis took me and my dad paid, and it was over £40 each, but not £50. Maybe I should start saving now.
      7. Read the bible from cover to cover (again).
      8. Discover an exercise regime that I actually ENJOY!
      9. Eat at a Thai restaurant
      10. Visit the Eden Project
      11. See the Northern Lights (at certain times of the year this could be combined with visiting Scotland)
      12. Get a portrait painted or drawn
      13. stay up for 24 hours raising money through the Blogathon (Well, I was half way through at this point but I didn't quite make it, I had to give in at 3 hours to go, I just could NOT keep my eyes open any longer.)
      14. Be financially able to start sponsoring a child again.
      15. Get a really snazzy mobile phone with video and everything like that!
      16. Have a card design or scrapbooking layout published in a magazine. Well, let's change this one, to ANYTHING CREATIVE that I have had a hand in!
      17. Put together a Step by Step photo recipe book suitable for students who have no common sense in the kitchen. Even if it is just self published, give a copy to eldest son when he leaves for University.
      18. Make a trip with Samaritan's Purse to distribute Christmas Child Shoeboxes.
      So, is that reasonable? Do able?
      I think so.

      Could I add to it? Well, yes, I guess I could!
      So, suggestions PLEASE.

      I have 434 days until my 40th birthday. 62 weeks, or 14 and a half months.

      With that much time left until your 40th birthday, what would you put on your list? Finances are not limitless by any means, so bear that in mind. I really want to hear your suggestions.
      Some time back I wrote a 40 things to do before i am 40 list. The last time I even looked at that list was during the 2007 Blogathon! SCARY!
      Well today is my husband's 39th Birthday and so we were discussing what he should do before he is 40 in just one years time. Which means I will be 40 in 1.25 years time! And I figured it was time to revisit this list and shake it up a bit, maybe make some changes, etc, maybe shorten it, who knows. Anyway, for this post, here is my list as it was then, with items that have been completed, struck through. My next post will shorten this list down to the things that I still think are achievable in 1 year and 3 months. Then we can think about if i want to add some things back in.

      1. Get a tattoo
      2. Visit Scotland
      3. Visit Ireland
      4. Visit another country I've never been to before.
      5. Take a Cruise.
      6. Finish that quilt I started years ago!
      7. Buy a plant and keep it alive instead of treating plants as if they are disposable (this one is SOOO ME!)
      8. Get a £50 hair cut at least once. We weren't far off this yesterday. My sis took me an my dad paid, and it was not over £40 each, but not £50. Maybe I should start saving now.
      9. Eat in a Jamie Oliver Restaurant
      10. Eat in one of the Michelin starred restaurants in Ludlow
      11. Read the bible from cover to cover (again).
      12. Inductive study of the whole bible (they say a reasonable target is 3 years)
      13. Discover an exercise regime that I actually ENJOY!
      14. Eat Thai food
      15. Eat Lobster
      16. Visit the Eden Project
      17. Eat Christmas Dinner at a restaurant
      18. Go to one of the Cookery Schools at River Cottage with Hugh Fearnly Whitingstall
      19. See the Northern Lights (at certain times of the year this could be combined with visiting Scotland)
      20. Walk Across the glass floor in Blackpool Tower.
      21. See Elephants in the wild (OK so this one is unlikely in the next 4 years, but I have to put some things that are way "out there" on the list, and I would LOVE to do this)
      22. Get a portrait painted or drawn
      23. Take on some serious training of some sort, whether to be a classroom assistant in school, or to teach adults basic literacy ans numeracy.
      24. stay up for 24 hours raising money through the Blogathon (Well, I was half way through at this point but I didn't quite make it, I had to give in at 3 hours to go, I just could NOT keep my eyes open any longer.)
      25. Make out with hubby on a train or plane.
      26. Ride in a Limo
      27. Be financially able to start sponsoring a child again.
      28. Get a really snazzy mobile phone with video and everything like that!
      29. Have a card design or scrapbooking layout published in a magazine.
      30. Learn to Belly Dance or maybe Hula, properly.
      31. Put together a Step by Step photo recipe book suitable for students who have no common sense in the kitchen. Even if it is just self published, give a copy to eldest son when he leaves for University.

      32. Make a trip with Samaritan's Purse to distribute Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

      So yes I literally have completed only 3 items and almost completed another 2! Hmmmm, time for a rethink!