Tuesday 24 November 2009

What did I learn this week?

This week I have learned that just because something is a GOOD thing to be involved in, to be doing, that that does not automatically mean that YOU should be the person doing it. I have been passionately involved in Operation Christmas child and other Samaritan's Purse projects for a long time, been a registered volunteer for 4 years, been involved in the local area committee for 2 years.

When the lorry leaves at the end of this week, taking our boxes to Kyrgzstan, I will be walking away from our area committee. That does NOT mean I will also be walking away from Samaritan's Purse necessarily, that is a decision for a later time. It's STILL something I am keen about and thing is an excellent charity with excellent goals and projects, particularly the newer projects that are beginning to come through. BUT after this year I will not be on area committee, I will not be manning shifts in charge of the warehouse, or involved in the organisation of that.

There are people who are going to be surprised by this, there are people who are going to be disappointed or even angry at this news, but i have to do what is right for me, what I believe god is calling me to, and this is not a running away from something, but a running to a wider future, with other things to be involved in. I am NOT super woman and I cannot DO everything that people would like me to do.

If you want to participate in What I Learned this Week, head over to the website by clicking on the image at the top of this post.


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