Tuesday 28 September 2010

I am going to be out of town for two days with some free time on my hands so thought I would take my art journal and a few supplies along.

Here is what I will be taking:

Everything is in this bag. I got it for just £2.50 when the back to school supplies got reduced a week or so after the children had gone back. The ruler is just there to give you an idea of size, I am not taking it.

Since this bag will be going most places I go these couple of days, it is also acting as my handbag, so the front zipped pocket holds my mobile phone, purse, keys and journaling pen.

Under that front flap you can see there is the main pocket and two pockets running down the front.

This is what is in the front pockets. I have a tiny pot of gesso, certainly not enough for prepping any pages, but useful if I wanted to use some on a page as part of the design. The pot used to hold a single portion of jam. The glue stick was also bought in the back to school sales and cost me 50p instead of £2. In the two clear pencil cases you can see watercolour crayons and a bone folder on the right and an archival ink pad and set of alphabet stamps on the left. If I turn those cases over . . .

you can see I also have some small tubes of acrylic paint. just 12 ml tubes but i get that whole set for just £1 from the pound shop. Not the best paint in the world, but useful in certain situations. In the other case you can see some other stamps, curls, swirls and a couple of other background stamps.

Inside the main pocket you would find these. My pink pencil case, my written journal and my art journal.

The pencil case is great having three separate sections, and you 'll get a better look at the contents next.

Pound shop permanent markers, useless on bare paper because they bleed into the paper too much but excellent on top of acrylic paints, a set of 8 I think for just £1. Also a gold paint marker, white out pen, extra fine sharpie and gold silver and bronze wax crayons.

A set of sparkly pens, a black permanent paint pen and a few smaller brushes. Yes, I have had them a while and the paint is falling off the handles. But who wants to take their best brushes when travelling? I'd be gutted if I left my new brushes behind anywhere, but these it wouldn't matter too much. And they still do the job just fine.

And in the centre of that pencil case, a small pair of scissors a basic craft knife and soft grip craft blade, tiny ruler and a couple of pencils.

Finally on the back of the bag another pocket.

A plastic plate that I use as a pallet, a tub of baby wipes for keeping things clean, a small cutting mat that came free on the front of a magazine once and 3 plastic folders. They contain various alphabets, and images etc for using on my pages.

I have a number of prepped pages ready to work on, with backgrounds already done and am looking forward to seeing what comes of working ON THE GO!

See you all soon, when I get back!


Don't worry it is perfectly safe for me to say I'm off on a trip online because hubby and teen son are both staying home.

I'm heading off for two nights alone.
One of the things I do in life is talks and presentations for Samaritans Purse, particularly Operation Christmas Child, and particularly in schools.
There is a town about 90 minutes from here that I have gone to for the last 3 years to do talks at schools in the area.  Because it is a bit of a journey I get them all over and done with in a matter of 2 or 3 days and the last 2 years have taken the opportunity to stay over and get a little retreat time.  That's where I will be for the next couple of days.

So I'll head over there this afternoon and find the Bed and Breakfast I'm staying at, because this year I'm staying somewhere I haven't stayed before.  Then tomorrow I have talks at three different schools and on Thursday at two different schools.  The rest of my time is my own.

I'm taking with me my bible, journal, bible study homework and pen.
And I am taking a bag with me that includes some art journaling supplies I can use on the go.
I'll make another post before I leave, with photos of what art journal supplies I am taking.

The only part of the trip I don't look forward to is eating out alone, it always feels a little weird to me, so I will have to have a root around my bookcases for something fun and fluff to read during my meals.  If you were eating out alone what would you take to fill the time?

Thursday 23 September 2010

Who are you?  That's one of the questions I asked myself this week.
When I can get some good light to take photos of my other pages I will share with you the first pages I made on this art journaling journey through the soul journaling workshop.  But for now I have one particular page, one particular journey I want to share with you.  It came at an interesting time as two situations combined to bring about this page.  Firstly one of my favourite art journalers, journalartista had been talking about art journaling through her attempts at weight loss and had worked on a page where she wrote down all the negative things that had been said or she had said about her body, then she obliterated them and created something new on top of that page.  THEN, yesterday morning I got to a section of homework in my bible study that talks about negative words that have been spoken over us, either by others or ourselves and asks us to pray through those.  And I knew I had to combine the two.

SO I went to a fresh two page spread in my art journal.
The page had been prepped by gluing down ripped up pages from a random book I bought from the pound shop just for that purpose.  Then I had put a coat of gesso over both pages.

Then I wrote down the words, the phrases that came to mind in relation to this, on the whole, ones that still had a power in my life, but one of them was there just as a reminder, as I had dealt with it before.  Then I prayed through each of the things written down.  I forgave the people who has said those things, I released them from anything I had tried to hold over them.  I asked God to forgive me for taking up those things and allowing them to become part of my identity and I declared that the power of those lies (for that is what they are) was broken.  And anything else that God brought to mind for each phrase.  As I finished working through each phrase, I took my white out pen and put a single line through it.  That is the picture you see above.

That morning a set of watercolour crayons had arrived in the post and so I started to play.  GRIN!  I got a little bit out of hand and didn't bother with any particular colour scheme, just WENT FOR IT, sticking colour after colour down on the page as I wanted to try out as many of them as possible.  These are so much nicer to use than watercolour pencils, there just is no comparison and I am delighted that I bought them.  I didn't buy the expensive ones, just went for the cheaper ones, but even these are a delight.

Of course, then I took a wet brush to the page and blended in those colours.  Now, you can still see the writing underneath, you can probably still read most of them, and I was thinking about this as I worked and realised that actually isn't that what happens?  We have these things, these words, these labels and we try to do something about them, we try to work through them, and it doesn't always work, sometimes they still have power in our lives, still have a hold on us.  Sometimes that is because we have tried in our own strengths, sometimes that is because God is saying to us, something along the lines of what Donkey say to Shrek in the first movie "Shrek, you're an onion." Sometimes it's about layers, and God can't move onto the next layer until the last one is completely removed.  It's important to remember that when we find ourself dealing with an issue we thought we had already dealt with.  Sometimes it's just about layers.

So then another layer went onto the page.
I wanted to use green because green represents hope, as it says in Romans 15 in The Message: Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!.
So I put that layer down.  I like the way you can distinguish some of the watercolour crayon colours from others but you can' necessarily see what colours they are.  And again it made me think.  I thought back to the previous picture and how, yes, sometimes our efforts in this area don't work because they are just that, OUR efforts, and where we have tried and tried and failed to remove these labels from our lives, and still come up needing more we can STILL turn to our loving Heavenly father and ask Him to come in and do the work, ask Him to come in and cover over those words, remove their power in our lives and he WILL if we let Him.

Then, another layer, that I don't have a photo of on its own, unfortunately.  I dry brushed a layer of yellow paint over the top of the green.  And then it was ready!  Ready for the things that needed to replace those words and phrases I had covered over, ready for the things God had whispered earlier as I had worked through these issues.

I am Zoe and I am proud!
I don't know whether you can tell from this photo, but you can still see where some of the words are.  You can still see if you look VERY carefully what one of them even says.  And that's OK for me.  Because nothing I or God does will ever make those words unsaid.  They can't be removed from ever having been spoken.  They are part of my history, they are part of what brought me to where I am today and that's OK.  Forgiving is not the same as forgetting.  You don't need to have forgotten in order to have successfully forgiven.

I don't think this page is finished yet, I will probably come back to it, either as God whispers other words I need to add to the page or as I find an image of other addition that I want to add.

On a practical note, where I stamped "I am Zoe" I used a pigment ink because I loved loved loved the colour.  Anyone who has done art journaling will know that pigment ink will never dry over acrylics.  But what I did was take my matt medium and very carefully apply a layer of that over the top of the stamped words and now they are protected and dry.  The "& I am" is stamped in permanent ink (but I need a new pad or a re inker cuz this one is nearly dry) and the Proud is stamped in black acrylic paint.  The stamped "Strong" on the other page is stamped and embossed in white sea foam.

Linking to:
The other day I was out shopping with my youngest son.  We were walking through the supermarket, past where they put all the reduced bakery items.  There was an older man with a younger girl who looked to be his granddaughter.  He picked up some cakes of some sort off the reduced trolley and she looked up at him and in the most open, honest way that only a child has said "You're the BEST".

And then they were gone, we continued our walk around the store and I said to my son.  "When you have children, can you have ones like that so that I can have grandkids like that."

But as I sit here today, typing this out for you all to read, I am struck by thoughts of how this relates to our relationship with God. How often does He do the simple things, the everyday things and we forget to say THANK YOU!

THANK YOU Father God, Thank You Daddy For it ALL!  I am so blessed! YOU ARE THE BEST!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

When did I get this old?  Huh?  When did I get old enough to have a child leaving home?

Yes, I am now of that age.  Our eldest left last weekend to start a 12 month internship at a church that is about 2 1/2 hours drive away.  Now I know that to my American that isn't a long journey at all, but it's a big deal for us in our little country.

As we were getting ready for him to go, people were asking me how I was, how I was feeling.  I'll be honest.  I was actually looking forward to this!  It was quite simply time!  Time for him to take this step, time for me to therefore get a bit of space back, both physically and mentally.   Do I worry about him?  Worry is the wrong word.  I have concerns about him but I know that he is in God's hands and that he is safe there.  I know that he needed to do this that he needed to step onward into the great future that God has for him.

I've always considered him to be a bit of a shy young man but my husband (who took him down) says that when he was dropping son off he watched as son walked up to the other intern, introduced himself and asked where she was from.  I've never seen him do anything like that before and I truly believe that being away from here, and his history here and any issues with here, in a new place is a good thing.  He can be the person he was always meant to be, not the person that those around him are expecting him to be!  Onward and upward son, but I do miss you!

Be blessed, you are an awesome young man!

Monday 20 September 2010

holy experience

Been away from this, well, been away from blogging for a few weeks, but hoping to get reorganised and back into the swing of things now.  Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

216. Eldest son now safely in new town for his 12 months internship at a church we have connections with.  Sounds like they are working him hard, and he's temporarily staying with the youth leader and his wife while they wait for a host family.

217. Youngest son now has a place on a national youth leadership training program.  3 weekends away, including one at an adventure centre, mentoring, support etc!

218.  I've discovered a new hobby and other than one or two new items it can be done with stuff I already had, art journaling!

 219.  Through art journaling I discovered this free Soul Journaling class and am set to head into day 16 next.  Although I have to say my paper dolls were MUCH SIMPLER than hers!

220.  I also discovered a lot of art journaling blogs and you tube accounts, my favourite being: journal artista who also hosts 2 ustream videos a week, which I often put on in the background while I am working on stuff on my computer.  Time zones mean I can't watch them live though!

221.  hubby has taken on the big job of clearing out eldest's room now that he has gone, sigh, once that is cleared up we might decorate that room.

222.  The first week of Operation Christmas Child school talks went well.  Looks like this year is going to be a bit quieter than last year which is OK by me as I certainly took on too much last year and aim to be much more sensible this time around.

223.  Awesome evening at church last Friday for Presence Room, a group of people gathered together with NO AGENDA other than to seek God and see what happens!

224.  Awesome trip to a national food festival with my youngest son last weekend with lots and lots of goodies brought home!  MMmmmmmmmm English mustard beef jerky. Mmmmmmm local cheeses.  Mmmmmm local chorizo.  Mmmmmmm smoked mixed seeds.  Mmmmmmm pesto bread.  Mmmmmm lots of other delicious delights.

225.  Youngest managing to get out at least a few words when asked to pray out loud in front of the church this Sunday.

226.  God totally setting the scene for the sermon throughout worship, testimonies, brought "words" and even notices, without any of those people even knowing what the sermon was to be about.

227.  A couple of nights of retreat time coming up, I will be busy for some of the time during the days, but the rest of the time I will be on my own away from home, with bible, journal and pens! 

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.

Monday 6 September 2010

The Saturday's Frankie Sandford has been recently snapped sporting brand new blonde hair. What do you think?

After many differing results with the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day method of bread making, I am trying something new today.  I am using a flour that comes from a local farm shop and is ground at Wessex Mill.  Each bag can be traced back to the specific farm the wheat was grown on.
Although this is a small mill it is still roller ground, like most of the flour we buy in the supermarkets.
So, first, I will make and use a batch made from this flour and later I will make and use a batch from a different mill that stonegrinds it's wheat.  We shall see if there is any difference.  First of all I am looking to see if the flour from these mills makes a difference from using supermarket wheat that is mostly roller ground in HUGE industrial mills, then secondly I am looking to see if there is a difference between the roller ground small mill and the stoneground small mill!

Stay Tuned, photos and results will follow over the next few of days.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Celebrity Short Haircuts PicsShort Wavy Haircut

Celebrity Short Haircuts PicsModern Short Haircut

Celebrity Short Haircuts PicsShort Curly Hairstyle

Celebrity Short Haircuts Pics
Short Black Hairstyle