Tuesday 21 September 2010

When did I get this old?  Huh?  When did I get old enough to have a child leaving home?

Yes, I am now of that age.  Our eldest left last weekend to start a 12 month internship at a church that is about 2 1/2 hours drive away.  Now I know that to my American that isn't a long journey at all, but it's a big deal for us in our little country.

As we were getting ready for him to go, people were asking me how I was, how I was feeling.  I'll be honest.  I was actually looking forward to this!  It was quite simply time!  Time for him to take this step, time for me to therefore get a bit of space back, both physically and mentally.   Do I worry about him?  Worry is the wrong word.  I have concerns about him but I know that he is in God's hands and that he is safe there.  I know that he needed to do this that he needed to step onward into the great future that God has for him.

I've always considered him to be a bit of a shy young man but my husband (who took him down) says that when he was dropping son off he watched as son walked up to the other intern, introduced himself and asked where she was from.  I've never seen him do anything like that before and I truly believe that being away from here, and his history here and any issues with here, in a new place is a good thing.  He can be the person he was always meant to be, not the person that those around him are expecting him to be!  Onward and upward son, but I do miss you!

Be blessed, you are an awesome young man!


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