Monday 20 September 2010

holy experience

Been away from this, well, been away from blogging for a few weeks, but hoping to get reorganised and back into the swing of things now.  Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

216. Eldest son now safely in new town for his 12 months internship at a church we have connections with.  Sounds like they are working him hard, and he's temporarily staying with the youth leader and his wife while they wait for a host family.

217. Youngest son now has a place on a national youth leadership training program.  3 weekends away, including one at an adventure centre, mentoring, support etc!

218.  I've discovered a new hobby and other than one or two new items it can be done with stuff I already had, art journaling!

 219.  Through art journaling I discovered this free Soul Journaling class and am set to head into day 16 next.  Although I have to say my paper dolls were MUCH SIMPLER than hers!

220.  I also discovered a lot of art journaling blogs and you tube accounts, my favourite being: journal artista who also hosts 2 ustream videos a week, which I often put on in the background while I am working on stuff on my computer.  Time zones mean I can't watch them live though!

221.  hubby has taken on the big job of clearing out eldest's room now that he has gone, sigh, once that is cleared up we might decorate that room.

222.  The first week of Operation Christmas Child school talks went well.  Looks like this year is going to be a bit quieter than last year which is OK by me as I certainly took on too much last year and aim to be much more sensible this time around.

223.  Awesome evening at church last Friday for Presence Room, a group of people gathered together with NO AGENDA other than to seek God and see what happens!

224.  Awesome trip to a national food festival with my youngest son last weekend with lots and lots of goodies brought home!  MMmmmmmmmm English mustard beef jerky. Mmmmmmm local cheeses.  Mmmmmm local chorizo.  Mmmmmmm smoked mixed seeds.  Mmmmmmm pesto bread.  Mmmmmm lots of other delicious delights.

225.  Youngest managing to get out at least a few words when asked to pray out loud in front of the church this Sunday.

226.  God totally setting the scene for the sermon throughout worship, testimonies, brought "words" and even notices, without any of those people even knowing what the sermon was to be about.

227.  A couple of nights of retreat time coming up, I will be busy for some of the time during the days, but the rest of the time I will be on my own away from home, with bible, journal and pens! 

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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