Monday 1 February 2010

FOR TODAY, Monday 1st February

Outside my window... there is snow and ice and everything is a bit dull.

I am thinking... about how long it took me to get to where I was going this morning. Thank Goodness I left the house early enough.

I am thankful for...

  • This nasty cold I have had seems to be on its way out!
  • My voice held up for the school assembly I did this morning.
  • The head teacher seemed impressed with the assembly and is keen to book more.
  • hubby got to work safely in this nasty weather.
  • that I made it to church yesterday despite my nasty cold, I would have missed out on some important words if I had not gone.
  • that eldest was able to be here with youngest while I went out. (Yes, youngest now has the cold I had)

From the learning rooms... Not a lot of learning going on for me. I have spent most of the last week on the sofa. I suppose I did learn that daytime tv on Saturdays is RUBBISH!
Youngest is supposed to have a mock practical for his food tech GCSE tomorrow. I am waiting for his teacher to ring me back so that we can sort out what we do since he is too ill to come into school.

From the kitchen... I haven't been doing a lot of cooking but am feeling a bit better now. Tonight will be sausages, mashed potatoes and steamed veg. More interesting fayre coming later in the week.

I am wearing... my "school assembly uniform", smart black trousers and reasonably smart top. I do have my big thick sweater on as well though. Walking boots on my feet to give me grip when I go outside in the snow.

I am creating... a messy house again, with having been too ill to keep up with my chores, but at least it had been kept tidy before this hit and I will be starting to get back into my routines today.

I am going... to do another assembly tomorrow morning but other than that do not HAVE TO GO anywhere this week. Well, it is parents evening at youngest's school on Thursday but he is supposed to come with me and I doubt he will be well enough.

I am remembering.... some of the interesting things god appears to ahve been speaking to us lately and wondering if I am ready for what it could mean.

I am reading... not a lot. I do however want to start reading a Stewart Keiller book that I picked up at church yesterday.

I am hoping... that my youngest son gets over this cold much more quickly than I have.

I am praying.... for my son to get better soon, for the schools i do assemblies at and for god to be at the centre of the details of my upcoming trip.

I am hearing... the tv in the other room, with two teens at home that is going to be all day, especially with one of them ill.
Around the house... kitchen and dining room chores today. Won't get it all done but hope to do at least a bit of it.
    One of my favourite things... this last week has been curling up on the sofa with a blanket.

    A few plans for the rest of the week... Like I said, there are not many places I have to go this week, I intend to stay home, get properly better and maybe make some plans for Valentines day and our wedding anniversary the week after that.

    Here is picture thought I am sharing...

    SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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