Saturday 27 December 2014

Don’t worry Cindy, we also don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford. In a new interview with The Cut, 48-year-old supermodel Cindy Crawford talks about her new beauty line, Meaningful Beauty, and how she’s just like everyone else when it comes to doing her own hair – sore biceps included. “If I really need Cindy Crawford hair, I have someone else do it. I really dislike doing my own hair because my arms get so tired. I can fake it enough for real life. Or sometimes, I’ll even go to a blowout bar and make that last for three days. Much to my husband’s chagrin, I pin it up. It’s also how my daughter does it now, because that’s how we sleep,” she says, going on to describe her method.
“I use one hairpin — not a tight one, a curved one, and gently pin up the front part so it still has movement. And then I might do a little heat styling in one or two places. When I work out, I do the same thing; I pin up only the part next to the scalp. I use Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray, which is good as a texturiser.”
Proving supermodels are just like us for the second time, Crawford also admits a reluctance to exercise. Although unlike us, she still forces herself to do some. “I just do it. I don’t even think about it. It’s so ingrained. Scheduling it really helps. Putting on the gym clothes is the hard part,” she says.


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