Monday 12 September 2011

After the brains fiasco, I went ahead and kept working on this hoodie (since it was already mostly cut and on the sewing table).   I decided to scrap all the brain fabric altogether and go a slightly different route.  I ended up with something exceptionally classy.

I stuck with the circles idea but decided to do them with embroidery instead.  I also went for a high collar, which turned into a nehru jacket sort of look after a little prompting from Darrell, and ended up forgoing the hood altogether (so.. it's not a hoodie I guess.. what does that make it?).

I repeated the circle symbol motif around the collar, on the sleeves and then put a big one on the back.  I have always wanted to embroider something large on the back of a hoodie, but when there's a hood, it always covers that spot, so I was happy to have the opportunity this time.   And it looks wonderful!!  Yay!

Darrell really really wants a man-version of this one.  He saw me working on it and got all excited, so I will probably do it.

This hoodie turned out too small for me.  I can squeeze into it, but I'm too tall and too broad through the shoulders to really do it justice.  This will look great on a little goth girl.  I need to find a little goth girl who can come and be my model.

And, so it begins again... the quest for the perfect new hoodie for ME.  Last year I did the same thing.. made several different ones that just weren't *quite* the exact thing I wanted.. but hey, at least it populates the etsy store.

So!  What do I call this one?  It's slightly witchy.. a little halloweeny.. but still classy.  Right now I'm thinking "Coven Jacket" or "Magickal Circle Hoodie" .. any suggestions?


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