Sunday 3 March 2013

A Holy Experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Monday 4th March 2013 I am thankful for . . . . 

863.  The best Christmas gift we could have wished for under the circumstances, the nurses at the hospital, somehow, through various phone calls managed to get my father a bed at the hospice, a much calmer, more peaceful environment than the hospital ward he was on.

864.  He's still with us.  For however long we have left, he's still here.

865.  He is only an hour's drive away.  Yes, that makes things difficult, but it could be so much worse.  I've had friends have to take flights to visit ailing parents, and because of the cost had to wait until the last moments.  We can visit weekly, even multiple times a week some weeks, without too much disruption to our schedule.

866.  My sister, who has done the bulk of the visiting and kept us up to date with what is happening.

867.  Friends at church who have travelled similar journeys with family members over the last few months, who have been there to hug and to say "I understand."

868.  Video notices from the children's outreach team went well at church this morning. A number of laughs were heard.  I hope to make this a regular thing throughout the year.  Here is a cut down version. (watch for the cast member jumping in shock at 2:39)

869.  Plans for our first primary school prayer space are coming along nicely.  You'll see more on that over the next few weeks.

870.  A husband who loves me and works hard to provide all that we need.

871.  A part time job for our eldest while he is at university.  Hard hours, and interesting senior staff, BUT it's brining him some much needed money.

872.  The possibility of an awesome opportunity for eldest son this summer.  So excited for him and praying it comes about.

873.  Meanwhile youngest son is moving along nicely with his studies and handing in his extended project tomorrow morning.

874.  The possibility, just the tiniest possibility of getting to Gathering of Artisans in Scotland this summer.  At £275 plus transport I can't see how we are ever going to make it happen, but even the possibility is an exciting thing.  I am keeping the dates free so that if God provides the finances I can go. (I can't link the image to the booking page yet as booking doesn't open until the end of next week).

875.  Friends, online friends who are more IRL than I could ever have imagined them being.  Thank you ladies, I am so glad for what we have!


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.

Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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