Wednesday 13 July 2011

We've got two shows coming up in the next week or two where Darrell, my fabulous hubby and partner in crime, will be performing on his jumping stilts.  This was my first attempt at making costumes for jumping stilts - I've made regular stilt pants before but this was kind of a new challenge.

For the first gig he's going to be the Big Bad Wolf (and I get to be Red Riding Hood, oh MY.. what big ears you have..) and for the second, he's going to be a satyr.  For both gigs I'm going to body paint his upper half and add appropriate costume bits.  I'm gonna have to think about the claws..

But here are the pants I came up with.  I like the design a lot.  They are convertible - they work great as regular floor-length pants, and have two pieces that velcro securely onto the back and bottom to extend them down to cover the stilts.  I left the bottom of the stilts visible - for safety and also just because, well, the stilts look COOL.

I made a silly little video of him bouncing in them.  With the paint and the rest of the costume, these are gonna look HOT!


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