Thursday 3 October 2013

FOR TODAY, Thursday 3rd October 2013

Outside my window...
it's dark and I have no idea if it is still raining, which it was earlier.

I am thinking...
about something a friend's daughter said to her today about prayer and wanting to encourage the little ones to pray and see results.

I am thankful...
for so many things.  Especially the opportunity to go into schools and give assembly talks.  This week's was fun!

In the kitchen...
We bought the new Jamie Oliver book,

and have been trying out some of the recipes this week.  Today I cooked the mothership roast chicken and have already portioned off the leftover meat and carcass for 2 further recipes over the next 2 days.  The Roast chicken recipe comes complete with roast potatoes, carrots, and other veggies and proper gravy.  Honestly, it was the best roast chicken I have done in ages and the best roast potatoes outside of using goose fat, which we only do at Christmas.  Click the link and check out the book.

I am wearing...
a black t-shirt top and cargo style trousers.  I have my hair half up in a ponytail, sitting on the other half that is still down.

I am creating...
hmmmm, I finished creating an art journal page this morning (see image below) and am wondering what to work on next.

I am going...
to the church building tomorrow morning for a local school to come and celebrate their harvest festival.  It should be fun.

I am wondering...
what the weather is like in Frankfurt in November.

I am reading...
as usual I struggle with keeping up with regular reading.  I'm an all or nothing kind of girl when it comes to books.  Sit and read the whole thing in one sitting, or not at all.

I am hoping...
for a fun date time with my husband on Saturday.

I am looking forward to...
a trip I will be making to Frankfurt soon.  My husband has to work out there for 6 weeks, and instead of flying him home in the middle for a weekend, his company has agreed to fly me out for 10 days!  I will have to occupy myself while hubby is at work, but seriously, with my Kindle  and a few art journal supplies I should be all set!

I am learning...
new art journal techniques and new ways of combining my art with my faith through the Made eCourse.

Around the house...
We got a new control unit on our cable tv yesterday after the old one just died!  It was so obvious what had happened from our call to them that the repair guy came in with the new box already in his hand.  He can't have been here longer than 10 minutes and it was all fixed.

I am pondering...
how to help my husband's Germany trip go smoothly but maintain the closeness of our relationship, especially during the time when I am not over there.

Quote for today...
"You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ... No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others." ~ Martha Graham (dancer)

One of my favourite things...
right now is to spend time in my craft room.  Unfortunately this sometimes means other stuff that should get done isn't getting done.  oooops.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
School harvest festival at church building tomorrow
Date time on Saturday
Church on Sunday
Operation Christmas Child, shoeboxes, school assembly on Monday
Open the book school assemblies on Tuesday
Happiness school assembly on Wednesday, complete with silly voices.

A peek into my day...

Proverbs 31 - Finished - Made eCourse

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You can check out the simple woman's daybook here or the other sites I link up to over in my sidebar. Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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