Monday 12 December 2011

holy experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, I am thankful for . . . . 

482.  Eldest is coming home from university this week.  It will be good to see him.

483.  Youngest saying what needed to be said in a difficult situation.

484.  Husband who while eager to move forward in a particular area is happy to wait and not pressure those making the decision.  I wish I could be as patient, I wanna know now!

485.  Ladies tea party and some ideas for how to move forward in the next year.

486.  Losing my hair could be a fun event next Spring! (heehee)

487.  Youngest having so much fun singing, both in the college choir and in the local Light operatic group.  Although having to sing every conversation he had with me was a bit much last week, GRIN!

488.  Apps on my phone that help keep me organised, things are a lot more likely to get done now that I can use this.

489.  A second charger for that phone so that I can charge it by the bed overnight, means if I remember something at bedtime that needs to go on a list, I can add it right there on my phone.  I can't tell you how many things this means have not got forgotten.

490.  Enjoying journaling through some advent devotionals.

491.  It looks like my father in law will be coming to us for Christmas day.  Wish we had an extra bed so that he could stay the night too.

492. Slice and Bake cookie dough that is already in my freezer so that making the cookie trays for the schools that I do assemblies at will be so much easier than in previous years!

493.  That also meant it was really easy to do one tray a week early for the school that finished their term a week early because they are moving to a new building over the Christmas break.

494.  An invitation to the opening of the new school building.

495.  Lunch at "Top Table" in one of the other schools I do assemblies at, with the whole Open the Book team.

496.  The wall that was damaged in our church building is still standing and the landlord is insisting our neighbours who damaged it have to pay for the repairs. They drove into the party wall with a forklift truck and moved it 1 inch towards our side in a number of places.

497.  Although that damage meant the local school could not come and have their Christmas carol concert in our building as planned, they were able to find another location.

498.  The Shepherds corner (Christmas Decorations) at church is finished.  Had I known it was going to take a total of 8 hours work, I'm not sure I would have started it but I AM glad I did it.


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