Monday 29 March 2010

holy experience


68. challenges and "out of comfort zone" thinking that came from a meeting this morning.

69. fantastic baptism at church yesterday and the possibility of more next week.

70. opportunity to be part of the Easter Sunday service in a drama sketch. (must learn lines).

71. the rain, while preventing me getting stuff done outside is providing much needed water to our gardens and reservoirs.

72. The fantastic news that a dear friend had a possible kidney waiting for her and she was heading to the hospital for the tests prior to transplant surgery.

73. The even better news that she got the kidney and surgery went well and she is now recovering.

74. Opportunity to start the 90 days through the bible programme and share it with the rest of the church.

75. Phone messages that mean a possible opportunity to do some outreach at a local community event.

76. the joy of sharing the things we have been trying in the kitchen and watching others catch the bug of baking bread in just 5 minutes a day.

77. being part of a church community that believes God still speaks today and willingly, shares what they hear him speak.

78. Trip to the theatre coming up this Saturday as part of my 15 year old's Christmas gift. I am taking him to Stratford upon Avon to see the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Romeo and Juliet.

79. coffee with a friend last week and hopefully with two friends this week.

80. Tuesday afternoons with a friend, while 15 year old is at Spanish class.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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