Monday 22 March 2010

holy experience

in no particular order:

51. My trip to America (even if it did keep me away from Blogging for a few weeks).

52. The wonderful friends who hosted me while I was there, with whom I hope I will ALWAYS have a heart connection.

53. The wonderful people I met at my friends church who made me feel so welcome and so part of everything.

54. The opportunity to take part in their weekly kids meeting - because there was a part that was supposed to be done in an English accent.

55. Flight controllers that think enough of people's safety to not let planes go when it isn't safe!

56. The many wonderfully kind and friendly people I met on my interesting journey, who did everything they could to help me.

57. The opportunity to try new foods, and the recipe for salmon soup!

58. Being back at my church and able to pray for God to breakout and do new stuff here.

59. Having a batch of bread dough in the fridge when I was reminded at 9pm Saturday night that there was to be a bring and share meal after church on Sunday.

60. A group of friends that loves each other, even when tough questions come up. Even when things we say hurt each other, we CAN find a way through that by remembering that these are people we love and whom love us.

61. The awesome things God did in my kids while I was away.

62. The blessing of leading our Sunday's Cool group for 5 - 11's and being available to swap out when one of the other team members was finding it tough to get her session done this week.

63. Insight into church situations through re reading a passage of Scripture I had read many times before, and confirmation from leadership that it was encouraging and along lines they had been thinking.

64. The opportunity to be in two different schools this week, telling the children why Christians celebrate Easter.

65. the fact that I left early to go to the school I did last week, and when I realised I had left my stuff at home I had JUST ENOUGH time to dash home and fetch it! LITERALLY walked in the door and signed in as the bell went for the start of my session.

66. The awesome way our small group rallied round and encouraged my husband who was leading the sessions alone while I was away.

67. My 15 year old who was feeling ill last night was fine this morning.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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