Wednesday 24 March 2010

FOR TODAY, the evening of Wednesday 24th March 2010 ...

Outside my is pretty much completely dark. Our clocks haven't changed yet, that comes this weekend, so this time next week it will be not quite so dark.

I am thinking... about friendships and what things test those friendships and how people can be their true selves, together, when those true selves clash.

I am thankful many things.

  • encouragement from staff in the schools I visit for my job.
  • The other job I went for and didn't get, they didn't reject me, they simply decided they could not afford to fill the post after all.
  • encouragement from friends when we were sharing what we felt God was speaking to each other last night.
  • extra time to get a form sorted for a residential my son wants to go on in the summer.
From the learning rooms... hmmmmm. Well, I already knew about Artisan bread in 5 minutes a day, because I have the book, BUT this week I learnt how to make their enriched Brioche dough. I also learnt that the enriched doughs will only keep in the fridge for 5 days, not 14, because of the raw eggs in the dough.

From the kitchen... today I used the Brioche dough and some cinnamon sugar I had leftover from another recipe to make cinnamon brioche whirl.

I am wearing... a brand new top that I bought today. Quite bright compared to other stuff in my wardrobe, it's is a big pattern of orange, red, brown and purple.

I am creating... hmmm, I had promised myself that now that I have put aside Fridays as no chore days in the house, I would start doing more creative stuff on that day. It hasn't materialised yet and I'm guessing that what I will be creating this Friday is order out of the chaos that is the kids cupboard at church! I couldn't find half of the stuff I needed the other day.

I am going... to stay home tomorrow and allow a friend to come play on my treadmill! And show her about blogs and stuff like that, cuz she asked.

I am remembering.... the sound of the voices I heard when I was in America. My friend posted a link to the recording of her husband preaching last Sunday and it was so weird to hear his voice again.

I am reading... my bible, and not a lot else at the moment. I am going to be starting a bible in 90 days plan soon. sounds like a lot but it's only 12 pages a day they reckon, and I read far more than that in web pages each day so it IS possible.

I am hoping... that my eldest son gets a part time job soon, not for my sake, but because he needs the confidence boost. He is an awesome young man with so much to offer and he needs someone to prove it to him. Your mothers words only hold so much weight when you're 18 because you know she is biased.

I am praying.... for a friend, and her husband who are leading a team of young people on a mission trip this week. For strengthening of relationship amongst a group of friends, healing where that is needed, honesty and above all love to prevail.

I am hearing... my son playing on Guitar hero in the next room.

Around the house... I need to go sort some clean laundry that is on my bed waiting to be put away. And reboot the laundry too.

One of my favourite things... right now is the gorgeous cinnamon swirl brioche that i made today and a t-shirt I am thinking about making for an upcoming conference.

A few plans for the rest of the week... I think I've mentioned most of them. Oh, there's a big birthday party for a friend on Saturday evening to go to and a baptism at church on Sunday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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