Monday 26 April 2010

holy experience

In no particular order . . . .

107. New connections being built at the local youth cafe project.

108. Old friends hugged and caught up with at the weekend at another local church mini conference.

109. AWESOME sermon on Sunday morning at our church, we have a fantastic future, but ONLY if the members of the body step up and get involved. Count me in!

110. New "mask pillow" and head strap for my CPAP machine should mean I get a better fit than I had been getting.

111. Headache I had this morning is now gone.

112. Back door open, letting the fresh air in.

113. Nice clean car, thanks to hubby.

114. Awesome conversation after church yesterday about the older kids/younger youth and how we can pull team together to make provision for them.

115. Such a sense of the presence of the spirit of God all weekend, both at the conference and at our church, WOW!

116. Less busy week this week, should leave some ME time.

117. Everyone in our house is now over their bugs and illnesses.

118. Awesome assembly this morning at local primary school. Using the medical use of maggots to make the point that one day you might need that person you think of as your enemy, as your friend.

119. 24-7 pack on prayer rooms in schools has me thinking and wondering and pondering and praying.

120. Still keeping up more or less with the Bible in 90 days reading. Loving doing it in the Message.

121. Tickets now bought for show by local college that our eldest is deputy stage manager for. West Side Story.

122. Trip to theatre last week to see a member of our small group in an amateur dramatic group performance of Return to the Forbidden Planet, a musical production with Shakespearean style scripting and rock and roll tunes, hmmmm, interesting but it worked and we had great fun.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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