Friday 9 April 2010

Years ago, our dear friend Natalie started Friday Felicities. I say “our” because she was a friend to so many women online.
Natalie passed away on June 7, 2007 after a sudden illness. Becky took over hosting Friday Felicities and those of us who participate now consider her the host.
What are felicities you ask? Why they are things that make you happy! So, this is not a hard meme at all! Becky gives permission to use the graphic in this post but please load it to your own site. List your happies and please go over to Becky's to sign the Mr. Linky if she posts and link up with other Friday Felicities participants.
So, my Friday Felicities for Friday 9th April are:
  • Sewing, sewing, lots of sewing
  • craft podcasts to listen to while I have been sewing
  • my friend Becky has a new Kidney (yes the Becky mentioned above), and the medical team taken care of her are being really careful to make sure everything heals properly, but we would appreciate your prayers for her at this time.
  • A Saturday morning to myself tomorrow as hubby and the boys head to men's breakfast at church.
  • 2 nights with our boys away at the same time this week!
  • Hubby has booked time off for those 2 days, so we can spend some time together.


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