Thursday 22 April 2010

FOR TODAY, Thursday 22nd April....

Outside my window... the sun is shining, there is a beautiful blue sky and I have laundry on the line, drying in the breeze. Sadly the breeze means it's still a little chilly for having the door open, because in the breeze but out of the sun is not a good mix. Whereas actually OUT there, in the sun it is plenty warm enough.

I am thinking... that it is interesting to see who "likes" the things that I write on facebook. I am often surprised.

I am thankful for...
  • the beautiful weather
  • hubby, I and youngest son being well again after getting nasty stomach upset over the weekend
  • new opportunities to be involved in new areas
  • blankets for wrapping round me when it is a bit chilly
  • friends

From the learning rooms... hmmmm, Well, last week I learnt a new pattern for making tote bags. But other than that I'm learning how to get back on the healthy eating wagon after being off it for so long.

From the kitchen... there has been no bread making for a while, but there will be some today. I will use the last of the current batch of dough to make pitta breads. Then I need to whip up a new batch of dough.

I am wearing... brown trousers, walking shoes (I have bad fallen arches and wide feet and these give the best everyday support), and a purple jersey top.

I am creating... as I said I made some tote bags last week. I used IKEA fabric and I think they look great. I'm really pleased with them. I think I'm going to adjust the bag size a bit from the original pattern so that I can get exactly 2 bags with no waste from 1 metre of the IKEA fabric, then I might make a few more when I have some pennies saved up to buy the fabric.

I am going... to a mini conference this weekend. Joy in the Harvest with Stefan Driess and John Scotland. It's listed as a time of refreshing and prophecy and Holy Spirit joy and will be an awesome time of worship and fun with people I love and don't get to see very often.
It does mean I have to take both a packed lunch and a packed evening meal for Saturday as it is too far to come home for dinner and I cannot afford to eat out at the moment.
hmmmmmm, any ideas?

I am remembering.... a previous time at that church when there was an eclipse of the moon and standing outside in the dark, after the meeting watching it in the distance over the Welsh hills.

I am reading... a booklet about running prayer rooms or "spiritual spaces" in schools! Not going to happen in the very near future but as I work on building relationships with schools it MIGHT be something for the future.

I am hoping... for the good weather to continue so that I can get a lot of laundry done and dried on the line outside, today and tomorrow.

I am praying.... for friends who are anticipating a house move because of an exciting new job, for a friend who recently had a kidney transplant and is recuperating in hospital, for God to show me clearly the way forward with the schools work.

I am hearing... the ticking of the clock on the wall behind me and the clicking of the keyboard and the occasional car or other vehicle travelling down our road.

Around the house... today is master bedroom cleaning and laundry day and I believe another load has just finished and needs to be put out onto the line.

One of my favourite things... is to be able to find delicious recipes that are quick and easy but don't cost me a lot in calories or fat. Ho hum, not always easy.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Well, there is the conference this weekend. And then I have a meeting next week with one of the teachers at my son's school about getting involved there on a volunteer basis, should be fun!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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