Monday 19 April 2010

holy experience

In no particular order . . . .

95. At least it was school holidays when my youngest son got sick last week so he didn't have to miss any school.

96. It being school holidays meant I didn't have any assemblies, etc so could be available to look after him and then wasn't missing anything when I and hubby got sick.

97. Even though youngest was too sick to head down to the youth conference with his older brother on Thursday, there was anther couple from church heading down there on the Friday who were able to take him since he felt better by then.

98. Both boys had fantastic blessed times at the youth conference.

99. Hubby and I are both much better this morning, and should be over it completely within a day or so.

100. Because the boys were away for 2 and 3 days the house didn't get too messed up, and I had done all last week's chores before anyone started getting sick. So this week's chores don't look too daunting, which they could do after a weekend sick.

101. Although hubby is not up to being back at work today he may be able to help with a few of today's chores.

102. Eldest son's termly bus pass restarts today so less ferrying him around again for another 13 weeks.

103. Being ill like this and not feeling like eating today has to be good for taking off a little of the weight I have put back on before I see my Sleep Apnoea doctor on Wednesday.

104. Fantastic fun God time coming up this weekend. Listed as a "time of empowering and direction", but seriously it will be fun!

105. Trip to the local theatre tomorrow evening.

106. Buying something as simple as a desk spike for receipts is helping us keep a bit of a better track on our spending.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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