Monday 21 February 2011

Continuing to share the biblical and Traditional Blessings I have collected over the years:

God's Heart
There is a mother's heart in the heart of God. And 'tis his delight to break the bread of love and truth for his children.
from a Hebridean mother

Spare Us the Fall
May the roof above
never fall in,
May we below
never fall out.
a Celtic grace

Big Sea, Little Boat
Dear God, be good to me;
The sea is so wide,
And my boat is so small.
fisherman's prayer

A Familiar Stranger
I saw a stranger today.
I put food for him
in the eating-place
And drink
in the drinking-place
And music
in the listening-place.
In the Holy name
of the Trinity
He blessed myself
and my family.
And the lark said in her warble
Often, often, often
Goes Christ
in the stranger's guise.
O, oft and oft and oft,
Goes Christ
in the stranger's guise.
Celtic Rune of Hospitality

Blessing Of The Three
The Sacred Three
My fortress be
Encircling me,
Come and be round
My hearth, my home.
Fend Thou my kin
And every sleeping thing within
From scathe, from sin.
Thy care our peace
Through mid of night
To light's release.
A Caim 

The Celtic Christians
had a practice called the 'caim', in which they drew around them a circle.... this was a symbol of the encircling love of God.

Come back tomorrow for more blessings. . . . . . . . .


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