Monday 18 April 2011

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.  When life gives you a collapsed lemon polenta cake you have to do something else . . . .

Can you see that.  I don't think the photo looks as bad as it actually was.  The whole of the centre collapsed in a mushy mess.  Not sure whether it wasn't quite cooked enough or if I put too much lemon syrup on it while it was cooling.  Anyway, I cut that middle section out and disposed of it, but the rest of the cake was fine, just didn't look pretty.

So I decided to make a surprise Lemon Dessert.

I took the cake and crumbled it up.  I whipped up some cream and opened a jar of lemon curd.  Then I layered the 3 in a bowl.

You'll have to excuse the quality of the photos here.  The flash was just reflecting off the cream, but it was already evening and without the flash the photos have come out a little dull.  That's the first layer!

And when the layering was finished it looks like this:

Still not pretty but it tasted fantastic!


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