Sunday 17 April 2011

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

328.  30 years of Springfield Christian Fellowship, celebrated today with a shared lunch.  Mmmmm, lots of yummy cake.

329.  Older young people at church had a fantastic weekend at youth conference.  Apparently youngest did a lot of carpet time and had to be dragged out of the fire tunnel!  For anyone who doesn't know what that means, it's ALL GOOD!

330.  A Couple of good chats at the shared lunch today.

331.  Hubby chose to wait up for youngest getting back from youth conference, good job really since it was 2:30am by the time he got back and I don't do well on such little sleep.

332.  Eldest comes home tomorrow for two weeks.  He's an intern at the church that hosts the youth conference just mentioned and they work them so hard they are all getting two weeks off to recover.  Hope he doesn't fall asleep on the train and miss his stop!

333.  When the lemon polenta cake I made for shared meal collapsed on coming out of the tin, I had enough stuff in my cupboards to whip up a big tub of rice salad and a tray of cornbread.

334.  And the lemon polenta cake will not go to waste because I will chop it up and mix it with whipped cream and lemon curd to make a lemon dessert!

335.  Possible commission for a bible bag.  Got to go through fabric stash and see what I have that she might like.

336.  Beautiful weather of the last few days that meant hubby and I could christen the picnic hamper my sister gave us for Christmas.

337.  I can afford new shoes and plasters (band aids) for when they give me enormous blisters that burst.  Also it is relatively safe to then walk back to the car barefoot to prevent further rubbing on the burst blister site.

338.  I was able to treat myself to a small piece of artwork for my craft room walls, from an artist who had a stall at the local farmers market.

339.  You cannot begin from somewhere you are not!

340. fantastic evening at a local amateur theatre group's production of Me and My Girl!  Starring 3 members of our church!


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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