Monday 27 June 2011

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

422.  Romania trip is PAID FOR!  People at church have come through and we have the flights completely paid for!  Awesome news!

423.  There is also money left over for a few craft materials.

424.  Any money we raise, either through selling cakes at church, or doing a car boot sale, or through my Etsy shop, will now go towards buying craft materials for the ladies!

425.  Had great fun at school last week taking a team photo for Open the Book.

426. My summer sourdough experiment is going well.  So far I have made waffles, English muffins and today I am making bread.

427.  Eldest son got some good news on his university applications, after a 4 hour time frame of having to completely trust that God was still in charge.

428.  This morning we learnt that if youngest son misses the earlier bus to college in September (he was doing a trial run), he will still have time to cross the road and get the bus that goes in the other direction to get another bus that will JUST get him to where he is going on time.

429.  Lovely weather we have had the last few days.

430.  Worship Jam went well last week, had a good time even if I did pick up a very minor worship injury.

431.  Had fun catering for the Alpha meal again last week.  This time we got some of our small group to come along and help with the clear up!

432.  I get to bake cakes for Alpha for another 4 weeks!

433.  Will probably be taking youngest to the Black Country museum this week.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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