Monday 20 June 2011

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

410. Another opportunity to cater for the local Alpha meal tomorrow night.  Looking forward to it.

411. I have been successful at growing a sourdough starter.  I was a bit nervous about this, but it actually worked!

412. Summer has officially begun for me.  Normally in the UK our summer break from school is only 6 weeks, maybe 6 1/2.  This year, because our youngest is in his final year of compulsory education, I get 10 weeks, because he did his last exam on Friday last week.

413. Our team for Open the book was the 1000th team to register and this week we will be putting together a team photo for a press release!

414. The fund raising/publicity event for the fairly new charity (anti trafficking, particularly internal trafficking) I am involved in turned out to go really well.  We looked professional, we had fun, and other than a few light rain showers the weather was fine.  In fact, I even got a little sun burn.

415. The drama production that was written specially for that event, will be going on tour and will be coming to our town.

416. After a run of really rough nights with poor mask fit on my CPAP machine, last night was registered as EXCELLENT mask fit.  Thank You LORD!

417. Fathers day came at the perfect time to get hubby a new wallet as a gift, his was literally falling apart last week.

418. I managed to get my Etsy shop open and am raising money for the Romania trip.  Little by little the money comes in.

419.  Also managed to sell a cake at church yesterday for the Romania trip.

420. Some awesome comments from staff members at schools I have done assemblies at in the last couple of weeks.

421. The sourdough starter at the top of this post, this morning, became sourdough waffles. mmmmmmmmmmm.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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