Sunday 27 November 2011

holy experience

Loook, 2 weeks running!  How impressed with myself am I?  This week, in no particular order, I am thankful for . . . . 

446.  Both my sons.  The first doing an amazing degree in stage management and apparently having lots of fun but working very hard during show weeks (this week being one!).

447.  The second doing well at sixth form and winning a RECORD 7 awards (including student of the year) in the awards evening at his old school.

448.  Even though I don't drink tea or coffee, squash (cordial) that is nice hot means hubby has added a hot drink for me to his morning routine!

449.  Awesome day's training in child protection.  Came home with two things to implement ASAP, one of which we already have a plan to act on, even though training was only Saturday.

450.  Chocolate covered Brussels sprouts.  Heeheee.  I may write a blog post about that one later in the week!

451.  Open the Book is still going well.  The head teacher told us the other week that more staff make an effort to be at this assembly each week than ANY OTHER they do!  WOW.

452.  I was able to find a way to make the props for this week's Open the Book without me having to draw 10 huge pictures!

453.  Even though hubby had offered to let me have the car for the training day at the weekend, someone else offering to drive meant he was still able to have the car.

454.  Good bargains on ebay this week.  I needed some inkjet printable OHP sheets and Staples wanted £23 for their smallest box (25 sheets).  On ebay I managed to pick up a full unopened box of 25 plus an opened box with 17 still in it for less than £6.50 including postage!  NOT BAD.

455.  A school deciding they didn't want the Christmas assembly next week was actually a good thing as it means my incredibly manic week will be much less so!

456.  Sunday's Cool (say it out loud and you'll work it out) "Wall of Rejoicing" which was started yesterday is already filling up and will most likely expand past the edges of the noticeboard and onto the walls by the end of the 8 lessons it will be up for!

457.  The mild weather we seem to be having this year.  This time last year we had already had the first big freeze.  I don't mind some snow but last year was a bit much and it's nice to not have to worry about slipping and falling and so on.

458.  Having a washing machine.  I do remember what it was like before we got one and having to do laundry in the bath!  Don't think my back could cope with that these days.

459.  An interesting conversation last night about future possibilities.  Things MIGHT turn out to be better than people expect, if they'll just look more carefully at the details.

460.  ADVENT - a time of anticipation is HERE.  Come Lord Jesus, come Holy Spirit!


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