Monday 21 November 2011

holy experience

WOW, I haven't done a thankfulness Journey post since before I went to Romania.  So this is well overdue.  Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order.

I am thankful for . . . . 

434. The trip to Romania went well and I learnt a lot.

435.  Although we had to wait in baggage claim for 2 hours, ours bags were OK, and we got them eventually.

436.  There was time for work, teaching the classes we had intended to teach.

437.  And there was time for fellowshipping and seeing a little of what Romania had to offer.

438.  And there was time for tasty treats.

439.  But most of all it was a safe trip that began something that is hopefully continuing.

440.  On to more recent things . . . . Open the Book assemblies have begun and are going well, the children are really getting into the stories.

441.  I'm having fun making props and costumes for open the Book and any hot glue gun injuries have been minor!

442.  A fantastic weekend, with time spent with a good friend and growth in God.

443.  We were allowed to attend a breakfast for leaders in a nearby town despite the fact that we are not involved in that town in any way.

446.  I was able to clearly state what it is I do, no, who it is I really am, without fear and without embarrassment, fully believing what God has placed me here to do.

445.  My youngest son's last minute (well, 3 weeks notice) addition to the backing singers for a local amateur dramatics/light operatic society performance went well.  I have not seen him look that happy in a long time.  Who'd have thought you could mix 3 different Shakespeare plays, show tunes and our local industrial history?  But it worked!


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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