Sunday, 7 October 2012

I am still receiving multiple spam comments a day.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Often the comments are in poor English (I don't have a problem with that, just defining the nature of the comments), sometimes they don't make sense at all.  Usually they have no relation to the post they appear on at all, and of course are full of compliments (they're not daft, they know how to butter you up).  They often repeat word for word previous comments made, are always by an anonymous user but always always include a html link to their website.

I have been using comment moderation and catching them that way, but I have to manually mark each one as spam, then delete them.  It's tiresome.

So, for now I have re-introduced word verification on comments.  I know this is sometimes fiddly and annoying, but please bear with me.

I am also aware I missed a day in the October 31 days of blogging yesterday, it was a busy and tiring day and I apologise.  We will be back to your regular program shortly!

You can check out the sites I link up to over in my sidebar. Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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