Tuesday 29 December 2009

What was the best book you read?
I haven't done an awful lot of reading this year. But I do have a favourite book. It's called Red Velvet and Chocolate Heartache, by Harry Eastwood (who BTW is a girl). It's a book of gluten free cake recipes that use a lot of vegetable in them and thereby reduces the amount of fat you need to use. They are absolutely amazing. My favourite is the raspberry and white chocolate blondies, although we also enjoy the beetroot brownies.
Most fo the recipes are also dairy free as well.
My copy is a signed copy because I bought it after I watched her do a demonstration at the Ludlow Food Festival earlier this year.

What was your greatest musical discovery of 2009?

I have just spent a fair bit of the this morning loading new artists into my Spotify playlists. I now have SO MANY playlists it's almost scary, but I guess you could say my musical discovery is SPOTIFY. I love it! As long as my internet hasn't gone down I can listen to free music, the tracks I want to listen to, when I want to listen to them with the occasional interruption of a short advert. I love it!
OK so they don't have absolutely everything but they are working all the time to increase the number of artists who agree to them using their music.

What did you want and get?

Deeper friendship relationships with other women. Both with someone I see in real life and also with a group of ladies I know online. I have really been blessed in this area this year.

What did you want and not get?

hmmmmm, I wanted an easy way to lose weight, but truth be told there is no easy way. The ONLY way to do this is to work hard, eat less and move more!

What was your favourite film of this year?

For a lot of people it's going to be either the latest Harry Potter or the very newly released Avatar. For me it's neither. The first film that I enjoyed this year, was just for the sake of it, lots of fun
Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
and the 2nd one was just recently, and brought to life an old story we have known for years.
A Christmas Carol in 3D.
Neither of them particularly ground breaking movies, neither of them particularly rated by the critics, but I enjoyed them!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 38 on my birthday back in January and I have absolutely no recollection of how I spent the day at all!


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