Sunday 26 December 2010

Happy Holidays!  Now that the holiday crazies are ending, I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures and thoughts about stuff I've been doing this month.

First: I've gotten lots of requests for larger sizes, and I'm listening!  I sized up my Purple Flower Faerie Hoodie for a custom request from Etsy, and I LOVE how it turned out, so I'm adding the bigger one to my Etsy store for future requests.  So pretty!  I love how this style is just so flattering on just about anyone.  Especially on the Lovely Amy (I adore how it matches her hair!  Yay for Purple Stuff.)

I've been making glovies too and giving them away as fast as I can make them, it seems.  They're such a great Christmas gift and I can often make them out of "leftover" fabric pieces that are too small to keep, so it makes me feel sort of green and environmentally friendly.. plus, all my friends have warm wrists now.  :)

I got lots of sewing stuff for Christmas, but my favorite present was made by my hubby.. he created a hand made My Little Pony unicorn soldering iron for me.  Is this not the coolest thing in the whole WORLD?  I've already used her to fix my light-up wings, and I may be incorporating more EL wire into my costumes soon soon, simply because I need a reason to solder things.  I'm torn between calling her "Princess Solderflux" or  maybe "Hotflash".

As you can see, I'm wearing my Peacock Hoodie in the pic.. and Hotflash seems to have an evil side lurking beneath her deadly cute exterior.. she managed to melt a hole right through the front of the hoodie the very first time I used her.  She may actually be evil incarnate, the jury is still out.  However, I still love her with all my heart.. if she's evil, I've fallen completely under her spell and become her minion, I fear.

More pictures of more stuff when it quits raining!


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