Saturday 25 December 2010

Well? Do you know the answer? What is your story? Who are you? What makes you YOU? What is your role in the wider story?
Some of us can answer those questions straight away, others don’t quite know. Some of us thought we did once, but are so sure anymore and there are those others who feel like we have never known.
Others think our part in the story is too small or insignificant. We think that because we don’t have amazing stories to tell, because we cant say God healed us of this serious disease or brought us through that terrible valley, or because we are still part way towards our healing that somehow our story is less than valid. When opportunity to give testimony comes, or other chances to tell our story, we feel that we are insignificant compared to others and so we stay silent.
I want to tell you about the book I’ve been reading. “Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. It’s not a Christian book, its not a how to, its not an amazing work of fiction, it’s an A to Z of everyday life for one, ordinary woman in modern day America.
The foreword of this book includes the following passage :
I was not abused, abandoned, or locked up as a child. My parents were not alcoholics, nor were they ever divorced or dead. We did not live in poverty, or misery, or in an exotic country. I am not a misunderstood genius, a former child celebrity, all the child of a celebrity. I am not a drug addict, food addict, alcoholic or recovered anything.
I have not survived against all odds.
I have not lived to tell.
I have not witnessed the extraordinary .
This is my story.

One ordinary woman, writing her story, her life, and people are reading it.
No matter what you think, no matter how insignificant you feel. You have a part in the greatest story, YOU have a story to tell. I encourage you to look inside yourself, find your story and begin to believe that it is important enough to be told.


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