Sunday 29 January 2012

holy experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Sunday 29th January 2012 I am thankful for . . . . 

576.  Awesome, Incredible Amazing friend who made us a huge wooden front of a boat to use as a prop in school bible story assemblies.

577.  Incredible school head teachers who can make a suit of armour from cardboard and a stapler in just 10 minutes.

578.  Answered prayers for a member of the admin staff at school.

579.  ME on the wall of rejoicing.  For the current 8 week session of Sunday's Cool each week the children are drawing pictures of things that either make them happy or make god happy to go on our wall of rejoicing.  This morning two of the children put pictures of me up there!

580.  Although I ached terribly after helping out yesterday at a friend's father's 90th birthday party, I am more or less back to normal now and hope to sleep better tonight.

581.  A friend who reminded me this morning that I don't have to DO anything in order to be acceptable to God and that it is OK to say no sometimes.

582.  Another member of the church who soaked me in prayer during worship for quite an extended period of time.

583.  That as I struggled during that soaking prayer to focus on Worship, God too reminded me I did not need to do anything and that in fact he was giving me this extended prayer time as a gift so that I would have a reason to not DO anything for that period of time.

584.  Arch supports that give my feet a bit more support than shoes alone would.

585.  By simply moving my chair from the side of the table to the end I now get to journal snuggled up next to the radiator on cold mornings.

586.  A comfy sofa and a husband who took over the essential chores for an afternoon.

587.  Tickets to a Holocaust Memorial Day event tomorrow (yes I know it was this week but the event is tomorrow) to hear a Holocaust Survivor speak.

588.  That even though I have an assembly in the afternoon and have to travel by bus I will still be able to make it from there to the event.

589.  The person choosing the nation for prayer for next week's Leadership course had chosen a nation that is not too complicated for me to find food for.  There are two of us on food for each session and we have to base the food on the nation chosen for prayer.  I am on the rota for food for this up coming one and the nation will be Turkey.

590.  Youngest getting an invitation to his first event through a scheme for widening participation in higher education that he only qualifies for because of where we live.  It might not be the nicest part of town, but there is plenty of good to living here, not just these advantages.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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