Sunday 22 January 2012

holy experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Sunday 22nd January 2012 I am thankful for . . . . 

560.  A lovely visit from friends this afternoon and fun playing on the Wii with their kids.

561.  £10 for youngest for helping our neighbour cut the hedge.

562.  on the same day youngest used the last of his credit on his phone.

563.  Silence might not always be golden, but on this occasion God used it to speak.

564.  The push to step out of comfort zone and do something unexpected, lead the last night of the meetings for prayer week at church.

565.  The flowers to thank me for doing so.

566.  Despite it being out of comfort zone I was nowhere near as anxious and wound up as I expected to be.  I knew it was going to be OK.

567.  In the middle of a church meeting room that is difficult to heat, when the sun streams through the windows, even on a cold January day, there are spots that are wonderfully warm.

568.  Walking across the room away from that sunlight, I was amused by how long and thin my legs were.  Hey gotta take it where it comes, but one day, with a lot of hard work they might look like that for real.

569.  Gifts for my Birthday on Monday.  I was allowed to open one today, a wonderful journal with watercolour paper and the rest that will wait until tomorrow.

570.  Beginning to sense that God is speaking to us again about inviting people over, about things not needing to be perfect, and being able to work around the things that I might thing prevent it.

571.  Low sugar cranberry candies, sweet and good for your bladder too.  heeheeee.

572.  Being free to step out of worship for just a few moments this morning to put my heart right with God and deal with a little issue of forgiveness, then step back in and KNOW it was dealt with, SENSE the change in worship for me.

573.  The sound of children laughing and talking about what I've just said as they leave the school assembly hall.

574.  Free WiFi in McDonalds meant I could check emails to check which week hubby and I are doing what on the Leadership Interactive Course and look up Haitian recipes for when I am choosing the nation to pray for.

575.  Arrived early to pick youngest up from musical theatre group, so spent time in the car praying with hubby.


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