Sunday 8 January 2012

holy experience

Another week, another list.  I know a lot of people are following Anne's lead and starting again from 1.  I won't be doing that, but I will be using the January suggested list as prompts to remember things.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Sunday 8th January 2012 I am thankful for . . . . 

527.  I had the courage to get back on the scales and back on track with logging what I eat and getting some exercise.

528.  The words spoken over me by a friend this morning during prayer ministry.

529.  I am surprising myself with what I can achieve art wise.  Producing work I would never have thought possible even 6 months ago.

530.  The extra windy weather of the last week has caused no significant damage in our garden (yard).

531.  So far the rain that the windy weather brought with it down the river Severn has not caused significant damage in the flooded areas and the flood barriers seem to be doing their work.

532.  One of the things about starting a diet at such a high weight is I can still fit in a McDonalds hot chocolate with my hubby and sharing a McDonalds fruit pie.

533.  2 hours in my craft room today working on something which isn't finished yet.

534.  When I was trying to explain to the Sunday's Cool children the bible verse about motivating each other to good works, they all starting cheering ME on.  Made me smile.

535.  Youngest son is still enjoying having joined the local light operatic, musical theatre group and even doing some choreographed routines in the next showcase.

536.  Being asked specifically to take part in a particular course at church.  I had wanted to do it but hadn't put myself forward for various reasons, and then the leader of the course approached me and asked me to do it.

537.  A full rainbow as we left for church this morning, right in front of the house, confirming my decision to yes go ahead and do the course.

538.  We've had none of this weather so far this winter, although I hear the forecast has some after next weekend.

539.  On Friday I got to go to the official opening of the new building for one of the schools that I do regular assembly talks for.  WOW, so light, and bright. And I ended up in the photos on the local newspaper's website.

540.  2012 is going to be a SIGNIFICANT year, I just know it!

541.  Only about 2 weeks to go to finish my current bible in 12 months reading, then I get to choose another reading plan.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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