Remember back a couple of weeks when I shared my journey with lesson 2 of Life Book? How I was taking the idea proposed in the lesson and putting a twist on it to suit my beliefs.
Life Book is a 12 month art journey being run by the amazing Tamara Laporte. A number of the teachers on the course are putting their own spiritual beliefs into their classes, and that is OK, it is totally their right to do so. I know some Christians have shied away from the course because of that but I would encourage anyone reading this to think about giving it a try. You can put your own twist on the classes, you do not have to include the spiritual aspect, you can either skip that part all together or you can twist that aspect to be something more Christian.
As I said in that last post about this page, it was the first time I have drawn figures since I started this art journey of mine a couple of years ago. The first figure I copied from a photo and the second the figure, I actually traced the outline from a photo, but I still consider this to be artistic progress, because I would not have even tried that a few months ago.
This lesson was about finding two goddesses to represent different aspects of you and putting them into a page. I just took two sides of my personality, that would appear to be opposing and the words on the page indicate that there is good in both, both can be useful at different times.
Here are some pictures of the work in progress:
Another part of this lesson was playing with shaving foam marbling. This is something I have done before and really enjoyed. I only have inks in bright colours, I might look to buy some more muted inks to have another go at this. You can see that when I first did it the marbling was quite bright. I felt it was too bright for what I wanted to achieve.
So I toned it down with some gesso dry brushed over it and that helped.
The gesso also did something else. When you have used shaving foam marbling your paper is left feeling very smooth, almost slightly greasy, no matter how well you wipe the foam off. I was concerned this would interfere with the pens I was going to use for the words. The thin layer of gesso gave a better surface to write that on.
And there you have it, a finished page.
There are two main lessons on Life Book each month, with other activities on the in between weeks. So far I have completed 3 pages. We are working on loose pages which will be bound together in a finished book in the final lesson in December.
Please come back soon and see my other pages. Or check out my page for the first lesson, or my dream board which was also part of Life Book.
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