Sunday 19 February 2012

holy experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Sunday 19th February 2012 I am thankful for . . . . 

619.  An Awesome, Amazing, Wonderful Husband

620.  18 years of marriage today.

621.  Points earned shopping in the local supermarket that earned vouchers to pay for an anniversary dinner.

622.  Valentine bargains in the days after Valentines day that work just as well as anniversary gifts.

623.  Young couple at church who announced their engagement this morning.

624.  From now on I will only be teaching in Sundays Cool every 4th week, not every other week as has been.  As much as I love those kids and am committed to them, it has been TOO much, especially when I have also ended up covering for others on the rota when they couldn't AND staying in with them when they have a difficult week.  We have our kids Sessions after worship and during the adult sermon, In the 6 Sundays before today I had taught 4 times, stayed home once due to being ill and managed to stay in for the sermon once.  Add to that the setting up time is during coffee before the meeting and the clearing up time is during coffee after the meeting and well, there you have it, me getting more and more isolated.  THIS is the start of changing that.

625.  Youngest son had his first session at his work experience placement and it looks as though it will be a good one.

626.  This time next week, eldest will be home for a week.  It will be good to have him around.

627.  Hubby working from home for a while this week means I have use of the car for 3 days and will be able to have lunch with a friend much more easily than if I was on the bus as usual.

628.  A charity event I was hoping to support next week has had to be cancelled BUT the organisers really felt they were heard and understood by the authorities making that decision and that it is all part of their journey with the setting up of this charity.

629.  Whoever at church opens the post and decides which events notices get put up on the noticeboard and which don't.  I am so excited to get to to Written by the Spirit, a Christian writers conference, in May.  And I would not have even known it was happening unless someone had put it up on the board.  THANK YOU, whoever you are!  I saw the notice this morning and booked tickets for me and son this afternoon.

630.  Church treasurer who is willing to pay for me to stay the night before at an event others would normally get up early and drive to.  Because I have sleep apnoea and use a CPAP machine I would not be happy driving down that early.  Now I just need them to open booking for that event and I can get booked into that as well.

631.  Reminders of how much I miss the people I met in Northridge while I was in America.

632.  I had fun in my craft room on Friday finally getting some art journaling done after a couple of weeks of not getting in there.

633.  Summer schools and other schemes and events that will aid in university applications that youngest has been seeking out for himself.  Now to get the applications in and see which ones we can get him onto.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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