Thursday 4 June 2009

You may or may not be aware that I have started to work on my health again.
There are a group of women at church who are drawing together soon to really work on the spiritual and emotional reasons for our weight. That hasn’t happened yet but I cannot afford to wait!
Here are 13 reasons for me losing some weight and getting healthier.
  1. If I lower my weight I will be able to lower the severity of my sleep apnoea and hopefully, eventually get off that blasted machine!
  2. If I lower my weight I will be able to improve the condition of my feet, particularly my fallen arches, and therefore I will be in less pain in my feet.
  3. If I lower my weight I will put less strain on my joints, thereby reducing the pain in my knees.
  4. If I lower my weight I will put less strain on my muscles, thereby reducing the pain in my lower back.
  5. If I lower my weight I will reduce the size of my boobs and therefore get rid of this nasty rash underneath them that has appeared this week (it only happens in hot weather, but I’d rather it didn’t happen at all).
  6. If I lower my weight I won’t get out of breath so easily and will be able to walk up a flight of stairs without having to rest when I get up there!
  7. If I lower my weight and do some serious work on my tummy, I will be able to wear underwire bras sitting down without the wire digging into my rolls of fat.
  8. If I lower my weight and work on my thighs, I will be able to wear a skirt without my legs chaffing on each other.
  9. I want to be able to buy a swimming costume without having to worry about those underarm rolls of fat, flopping over the top of the sides.
  10. To not have to worry about even getting too big to shop in the high street “fat lady” stores for clothes. And maybe even, one day be able to go back into the ordinary clothes stores!
  11. To be able to work in our new veggie garden without my back killing me!
  12. Because I want to be around for as long as God has planned for me and achieve all that He has for me to do.
  13. Because I AM WORTH IT!
If you want to read more Thursday 13 posts, head on over to Happy To Be At Home by clicking on the Thursday 13 banner at the top of this post.
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