Monday 15 June 2009

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday
10 things Tuesday is a weekly reminder to stop and be thankful and share that on your blog. So, what 10 things are you thankful for today?
  1. For a fantastic week last week with old friendships renewed and new friendships beginning to grow.
  2. Bananas (there’s a story to that one).
  3. God speaking to my Sunday’s Cool class this weekend.
  4. For compliments received.
  5. For a less busy week this week.
  6. Hopefully friends are coming over for dinner at some point.
  7. Veggies are growing nicely.
  8. Replies coming in for son’s 18th Blessing.  Some can’t make it, but some can.  Hopefully enough to make it worth while.
  9. Table booked for son’s 18th birthday dinner with family.  TAPAS!
  10. Every morning that I wake up!
If you want to participate in 10 things Tuesday, go visit X-Box Wife by clicking on the Ten Things Tuesday banner at the top of this post.


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