Monday 1 June 2009

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday
10 things Tuesday is a weekly reminder to stop and be thankful and share that on your blog. So, what 10 things are you thankful for today?
  1. For good conversations at church yesterday with some of the ladies.
  2. For a friend who came and gave me a hug and some tissues even though she had no idea why I was bawling my eyes out.
  3. For a positive conversation with my 17 year old eldest son yesterday evening.
  4. For a friend who offered me her youth pastor husband’s email to talk through some issues we are concerned about.
  5. For beautiful weather today, the sun is shining, there’s not a cloud in the sky.
  6. For a positive meeting with one of the church leaders this morning, about my job and progress we are trying to make with getting into the local schools. Both of us are saying we are convinced there is breakthrough coming even though it doesn’t look like it.
  7. That I got back into journalling after a 10 or so day break. I NEED IT, it keeps me grounded and helps me think and pray.
  8. That it looks as though I got the bread dough measuring right this time.
  9. That I have a large crockpot I can use to make a decent dinner without heating up the kitchen too much. The forecast for this summer is long and hot and dry! I think I’ll be using it a lot more.
  10. That I found Ten Things Tuesday and am able to participate!
If you want to participate in 10 things Tuesday, go visit X-Box Wife by clicking on the Ten Things Tuesday banner at the top of this post.


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