Monday 16 April 2012

If you have been around my blog over the last couple of weeks you will know that I was planning on donating my hair.  I made an art journal page based on that, I showed you how to prepare a photo for trying out different hair styles, showed you how to use the best website for that and then showed you a few that I wanted to choose from.

Well, the deed is done!  My hair is gone!

Before and after photos.  I am on the left.

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WHY?  Because it was time.  It only took me 2 years to grow my hair from shoulder length to where it is in that top picture and it was just time for me to do this.  My friend in the pictures decided to join me.

WHO?  We donated our hair to a UK charity called The Little Princess Trust, here is a video about what they do:

We were also sponsored to do so for another charity that is dear to our hearts. Calla was established to confront and disrupt human trafficking in all its forms. Their specific purpose is to combat internal trafficking of children and young people for sexual exploitation.

Calla aims to

  • Raise awareness of the existence of internal human trafficking by working with all forms of the media at local and national level
  • Access and host affordable specific training for all working on the front line
  • Support victims and their families, to see a restoration of dignity and self worth

One of their tag lines is Information, Support and training for CHANGE, and if you spend any time talking to the Calla team about their aims, the topic of it being TIME FOR CHANGE will come up.

Since we were both making a big change to our hair and both feeling that it was TIME FOR CHANGE, we felt that Calla was an obvious choice to receive the funds raised in sponsorship for cutting our hair this much.

WAS IT A SHOCK?  I'll let another photo speak for itself on that one.

HAVE I GOT USED TO IT?  Yes, absolutely, this is not the first time I have had hair this short and I am more than OK with it.  Everything related to my hair is so much quicker now, washing, drying, brushing, everything just takes seconds!  Well, except the drying, that takes a bit longer, but still nothing compared to what it was taking before.

WILL I GROW IT BACK?  Probably, yes, although maybe not straight away.  I might take a few months to enjoy the short hair.

WILL I DO IT AGAIN?  A number of people have asked me that already and it was only 2 days ago that I did this.  I don't know.  I am certainly capable of growing my hair to a similar length again.  Since it is shorter now than when I started growing it before it would probably take me about 2 1/2 years to get it to the same length again.  So, it's not an impossibility at all.  I doubt I would make such a big deal of it if I were to do it again, don't want people getting too used to the idea,  "Oh she's cutting her again and wants more sponsor money off us."  In short, I honestly don't know but I certainly haven't ruled it out.

HOW MUCH DID WE RAISE?  We raised a total of over £100 with funds still coming in, for Calla.

You can check out the sites I link up to over in my sidebar. Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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