Monday 23 April 2012

holy experience

Another week, another list.  Here we go then, in no particular order, On Monday 23rd April 2012 I am thankful for . . . . 

759.  Encouragement before and after whole church "business meeting".  In the past these meetings have been used (more than once) by individuals to bash the kids team (unfairly in my opinion) and as leader of that team these meetings make me anxious.  But this time it was amazing.  I had 3 new volunteers for the kids team, 1 even before the need for volunteers was mentioned.  God is good.

760.  Leadership Interactive went well, I'm learning lots from the mini sermons being given by other members of the class.

761.  I now have 3 whole weeks to prepare for the next leadership interactive where I will be giving my mini sermon.  I'm nervous but I have plenty of time to get this written right.

762.  More encouragement on Tuesday when the head teacher of the school our church has the closest relationship with spoke to me about something I had been hoping to be able to do.  I thought he had maybe forgotten but didn't want to remind him in case he felt I was being pushy, and HE approached me about it!

763.  Hope for a friend who is struggling.

764.  New parts for my CPAP mask at annual clinic appointment.  That should make it fit better, these part do have a habit of wearing out.

765.  Being blessed beyond measure by hubby when he OK'd me taking part in an 8 month online class for Christian artists.  At last count there were only 3 places left, so if you are interested, you'd better get in there FAST.

766.  More encouragement once I joined the facebook group for the course, from other artists who like my work.  That still feels weird to me.

767.  Plans came together for "5th Sunday" where the Sunday's Cool children get to invite their friends to church.  Got the children working on invitations and so on yesterday and 2 of the teen girls volunteered to do the drama, so its going to be a good time.

768.  Back to the online course.  one of the books we need will not arrive in time for the start date because I have had to order it from America, but the course leader has promised that she will make sure I, and anyone else affected this way, will not miss out.

769.  While a course I was supposed to go to this coming week has been cancelled, they will be refunding all monies paid.  I can't however get the money back for the hotel room I booked.  So, hubby is taking a couple of days off work and we are heading away for one night this week, so the room booking doesn't go to waste.

770.  While I haven;'t been feeling 100% this week, I did take time to spend some time in my craft room.  I like the silver haired lady that I ended up working on.


If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, you can do so by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.

Before you go, why not check out my recipes index page, or my craft projects index page, I am sure you will find something there to interest you.


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