Monday 31 January 2011

Interesting title huh?  How am I going to combine those two?

Well, yesterday I was listening to the sermon at the church my son is interning at, and one of the things that was mentioned is that they want the whole church to study the same passage this week and then they are going to use some of the responses as part of the sermon on Sunday.  The thing that they want people to do is watch for 3 things within the passage.

A LIGHT BULB: Something that shines from the passage and takes your attention/impacts you.

A QUESTION MARK: Anything that is difficult to understand or a question you would like to ask the Lord about the passage.

AN ARROW: A personal application for your life.

Now, that is not the church I attend, it is much too far away and I love the church which God has us in right now, BUT I love that set of things to look out for.  In fact I want to use it in my regular journaling, and was wondering how to make sure I remember what the three things are, each time I come to it. Yes, I could print it out and make a bookmark but I wanted something a little more creative.
So I pulled out my lino cutter and some pieces of lino and got to work:

Things didn't quite go according to plan and I forgot that I needed to reverse the image of the question mark in order for it to be the right way round when finished.  I then started again and made the same mistake ARGH!  Finally, after getting up and going to do something else for a while I got it right!  Anyone want a back to front question mark stamp?

Here they are in use:

I'm thinking that I want to mount them on something, maybe some scraps of wood or something to make them easier to use. I'm sure there is something around here I can use.


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