Friday 21 January 2011

I've been making stuff.  Not a lot of fashion stuff lately, but lots of stuff.  My creativity is stretching itself a little, I think.. I have been drawing, painting, writing and crafting a lot and it's all just so much fun.

Last night I went to a record bowl making party at my friend Amy's house, and ended up with a fairy clock:

It started life as a Supertramp record.  :)  Amy had primered one side of it, and I sponged on a base coat of greens and golds, then painted on the numbers with a pretty copper paint.  Next came the fun part.. we stuck it in the oven (250 degrees seems to be the magic temperature) and melted it until it was soft, then molded it around a pie plate until the middle sunk down a bit and the edges got all lovely and wiggly.  

Then I added the moss and paper butterflies, and the little metal spiral beads, and assembled the clock mechanism (incorrectly, it turns out, but my wonderful hubby was able to fix it with some needlenose pliers).  I really love how it turned out!

I mounted it on the wall and discovered that, in form, it was perfect.. but in function, it's a little lacking.  The gold hands were practically invisible from more than a few feet away or from any angle that wasn't straight-on.  I colored them in black with a sharpie, and now it's a readable fairy clock.  :)

It goes so well in my fairy forest bedroom.  The one thing I wish is that the hands glowed somehow so I could read it at night.. how would I accomplish that?  Maybe glow in the dark paint?  Wouldn't last until 2am.. hmmmm...


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